Dan Cooper

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We boarded the plane and I found my seat. 18A by the window. I put my bag in the over head compartment. 

"Oh, let me help you" said a man. 

He took my bag and helped me put it in their safely. 

"Thanks" I said. 

I sat down in my seat and the man sat in his seat. I noticed he only had a breif case and a small bag. 

"No suit case" I asked. 

"Oh, no, I'm on a simple business trip" said the man. 

I nodded and grabbed a book to read. There was the usual safety speech before taking off. I looked out the window a little bit but mostly read my book. 

"I've met them" said the man. 

"What" I asked looking at him. 

"The Norse gods and goddess. I met them" said the man. 

"Nice try, but they aren't real" I said. 

"Sure they are" said the man. 

"Oh, so you must know Thor then" I said. 

"Well of course" said the man. 

"Lier" I said. 

"I'm being serious" said the man. 

"Then you'll have to prove it when we get off the plane" I said. 

"Very well. By the way what is your name" asked the man. 

"(y/n), and you are" I asked. 

"Dan Cooper" said the man. 

A flight attendant came and gave us each a drink. 

"Burbon and soda" said the women. 

"Thank you" said Dan. 

He took his drink. The women held one out for me. 

"Oh I didn't order one" I said. 

The attendant was confused. 

"I ordered it for you" said Dan. 

He took the drink from the attendant and held it out for me. I signed and took the drink. 

"Thank you, but why did you order one for me" I asked. 

"You looked thirsty" said Dan. 

I guess he can read minds if that is possible. 

"Anything else I can get for you two" asked the attendant. 

Dan smiled and held out a note. 

"I suppose we will find out won't we" said Dan. 

Oh, he is a fuck boy then. The attendant smiled nervously and took the note. I took a sip of my drink as she put the note in her pocket. The attendant started to leave.

"Uh miss" said Dan. 

"Yes Mr Cooper" said the attendant. 

"You might want to take a look at that note" said Dan. 

The attendant was confused. Thank god this is alcohol otherwise I don't know how I would get threw this. 

"I have a bomb" said Dan. 

I was shocked and spit the drink out pretty much choking on it. The attendant was scared and left. 

"I'll be right back with some napkins" she said. 

Dan turned to me. 

"Are you alright" he asked as he put his hand on my shoulder. 

"Ya, it would be weird if you didn't have a bomb" I said coughing. 

I calmed down the coughing and Dan rubbed my shoulder. The attendant came back with the napkins and gave me some. Dan invited her to sit down and showed her the bomb that was in the brief case. Yep, I'm going to die. We later landed in Washington and Dan exchanged the passengers for the money. I got up to get my bag from the overhead but Dan sat me back down. 

"Wait till everyone is off before changing seats (y/n)" said Dan. 

"Wait you're holding me hostage? I thought I was allowed to go" I said. 

"No, I want you to keep me company" said Dan. 

"I can't believe this" I said. 

Dan held my hand and we waited for everyone to get off. Once the passengers were gone Dan helped me grab my stuff and moved us up to the first class seats. 

"By the way, my real name is Loki, I'm the God od Mischief" Dan whispered as we sat down. 

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