TVA File. Variant: Lego Loki, Section 2

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I turned on my tempad and told President Loki how there is a change in plans but I am okay and he doesn't have to come kill a variant of himself. Plus this is a lego dimension. The problem with this is I'm type 1 diabetic. When you travel to a new dimension your body will change to match it. However this does use a lot of your bodies energy and does cause extremely low blood sugar and sometimes death for those of us with a medical condition. I put my tempad on the table next to the bed. 

"By the way I never did get your name" said Loki. 

"(y/n)" I said. 

"Well (y/n), it is nice to finally meet you. However you look a little pale and shaky. Brother why don't you go fetch a healer quick and some grapes or something. I'll keep a eye on our friend" said Loki. 

"Okay, I'll be right back" said Thor. 

He left and Loki turned to me. 

"Now that he is gone why don't you tell me about that tempad of yours. Mostly how you created a portal in my snowfort" said Loki. 

"How you heard of the multi verse" I asked. 

"You mean the midgard theory on other worlds existing that are similar to your own" asked Loki. 

"Ya, that pretty much some's it up. Anyway I came here by mistake. I can't go back home anytime soon. Traveling the multiverse with my condition is dangerous. I actually would of died if you didn't bring me here. So I would like to say thank you for saving my life" I said. 

"You're welcome, and since you can't go home yet you can stay with me when you leave the hospital. I am interested in learning about this multi verse after all" said Loki. 

"You want to take over the multi verse" I corrected him. 

Loki acted offended. 

"Me, take over the multiverse? Why I would never" said Loki. 

"Loki, I have met countless other you's. Even a alligator. You all want the same thing. It's literally what makes you a threat to the multiverse" I said. 

Loki rolled his eyes. 

"Okay fine, you know me too well" said Loki. 

He went over to the couch to sit down. 

"But a alligator me" asked Loki. 

"It's best not to question it and I have no idea why that you is a alligator" I said. 

"Probably the most terrifying there is. But it doesn't change that I'm the best" said Loki. 

"Well, I would argue that Sylvie who is a female you is the most scary" I said. 

"Hold on, now you are saying there is a female me" asked Loki. 

"Ya, there are a lot" I said. 

Loki was confused and thought about all this. 

"Okay, honestly if I didn't see you create a portal I probably wouldn't believe anything you say" said Loki. 

"Fair enough" I said. 

"So tell me about your timeline" said Loki. 

"Not a fucking chance" I said. 

"Why, you know about my timeline. I think it's only fair I know about yours" said Loki. 

"Ya well I was born in the 1800s, had abusive parents that would always fight and never spend time with me, my sister, or my brother. One time my dad broke my mom's leg. She was bedridden pretty much until my older sister killed her when I 13. That is more then the TVA knows since I deleted everything they have on me so be VERY grateful I even told you that much" I said angrily. 

Loki was surprised and we were silent for a minute. I took a deep breath and calmed down. 

"Sorry, but not all the me's have a good family and friends. For me I mostly just had a bad family. So I removed myself from it. When the TVA took me I never went back" I said. 

"And you are okay with that" asked Loki. 

"I don't know" I said. 

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