Crimson Loki, is this too much?

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Loki and I went into town to pick up some mail from the post office and run some other errands. We picked up more insulin from the pharmacy. Loki was going threw the mail to make sure we got everything we ordered. 

"With all of this we should be able to finish repairing the main floor" said Loki. 

"How long till we can rent rooms down there" I asked. 

"Probably not till the spring. By the time we finish repairing it and set up the bed and other furniture it will most likely be December" said Loki. 

"Oh" I said. 

Loki smiled and stood up. He held my arms. 

"But after we finish the first floor we can start making plans for the third floor while we fix the second floor" said Loki. 

I smiled. The three of us agreed that the third floor can be rebuild so Loki and I can have our own little living space. A kitchen, living room, and so on. In short Loki and I are vampires. We keep blood in the fridge but because of that Lucille doesn't let the guest use the kitchen without her. 

"You're getting me excited" I said. 

Loki slid his hands down to hold my hands. 

"That's because this is exciting (y/n)" said Loki. 

We both smiled. 

"Okay, but since you brought it up what if we added a secret passage way. I'm not sure to what but we could do a small door like in the movie Coraline or a wardrobe that leads to another room like in Narnia" I said. 

"We could do that as a way to enter our private area. That way it's less likely that some one will sneak in" said Loki. 

"Great idea" I said. 

Loki kissed my cheek. 

"Now there is a few more packages that they will bring but I'm going to start loading everything up. It's a bit heavy though" said Loki. 

Loki and a few others started putting everything in our car. I would of helped but I'm not strong enough to lift heavy objects. So instead I just looked around the post office. 

"Are you (y/n) Sharp" asked a man. 

"Uh, yes" I said. 

"Good, I have a few letters to give you" said the guy. 

I followed him to the counter and the guy grabbed the letters. 

"A few fan letters, one from your lawyer, and one from your family in Australia" said the guy. 

He gave me the letters but I was a bit confused. 

"But my family doesn't live in Australia. They live in America" I said. 

"Well that is because this letter is actually from the year 1802. I obviously wasn't alive at the time but a women came in with her sister and asked us to give this letter to you by name. Honestly we had a debate if you would ever show up. Looks like I owe Charlie 30 bucks" said the guy. 

We both chuckled and I looked at the card. It said it is from Narissa. 

"But this letter looks only a few years old" I said. 

"We had to rewrite it over the years. Just so it's still read able" said the guy. 

I smiled and thanked the guy before leaving. I took the letters and met up with Loki. 

"What are those" asked Loki. 

"Oh, mostly fan mail and some papers for me to sign" I said. 

"Oh, anyway that's all the mail we have. I'm getting a bit hungry, would you like to grab something on the way home" asked Loki. 

"I'd hurry if I were you two. There is a big snow storm coming in" said a women. 

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