A Bleeding Heart

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Today is my first day of work at my new job. I work at a grocery store. I would love to work at a book store but Barnes and Noble isn't in the town that I live in. But no, we can add shit hell holes like Hobby Lobby and Chik fil A. Those places that hate the LGBT community can rot in hell for all I care. I got what I need and put my shoes on before I left my apartment. Today was sunny so I just put my sun glasses on. I have autism so I'm use to the sun being bright as fuck.

Luckily the walk to the tram isn't far. Since I can't drive I rely on public transportation. It's affordable and I like it. Especially trains. I made it to the store and clocked in on time. I hate being late so I always try to be on time.

"Hey Daron, glad you made it" said Tina.

"Yep" I said.

"Anyway I want you to meet Loki. He will be showing you the ropes around here" said Tina.

"Okay, where is he" I asked.

"He should be restocking the movies" said Tina.

"Okay" I said.

I went to the movies section and went to find Loki. He should be in uniform so it shouldn't be hard. If I can find him I could always ask a coworker. Ya well, try have autism. I am shy and use to getting screamed at for making a tiny mistake. So this might be a while. I found a man putting movies on the shelf. He looks really pale and was wearing black nail polish. I looked at his name tag and saw that he is Loki. Meaning he is the one I have to talk to.

I walked over to the next aisle while deciding how to talk to him. I don't normally talk to strangers. I'm use to people being rude to me which is why I have trust issues. I signed. Fuck it. I walked back to the aisle where Loki was but he wasn't there. Shit. I looked around and walked a few aisles away before I found Loki again. He was rearranging some of the movies that got mixed up. I nervously walked up to him.

"Hi" I said nervously.

Loki looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey, I'm Loki" said Loki.

He stood up.

"You must be Daron, the new boy" said Loki.

"Yes, I am" I said.

Loki was a little confused.

"Are you, did I do something to scare you" asked Loki.

"No" I said.

Now I'm a bit confused.

"Oh, it's just, your eyes are moving and you won't look at me" said Loki.

"I have autism. So I tend to have poor eye contact at first" I said.

"Okay, well for work can you help me put the movies and shows on the shelves" asked Loki.

"Sure" I said.

I grabbed some movies from the cart and started to put them where they go. I would take the old ones off the shelf and put them in the front of the new copies. I know it's only done with food but I do it because it feels lik they actually get sold more. Or maybe I worked too much with food.

"What is Autism" asked Loki as we put the movies away.

"It's a learning disability. In short my brain doesn't function the same way as yours" I said.

"Oh, I'm curious because I have never met anyone with that before" said Loki.

"It's okay, but there is a lot of mis information out there. Like how some idiots think that we get it from vaccines even though science has proved that isn't the case. It's developed in the womb" I said.

"Even if it wasn't I would rather take my chances then get a deadly illness. I have seen what polio can do to people. It's not fun" said Loki.

"Plus there is nothing wrong with us autistic people" I said.

"Exactly" said Loki.

We finished putting the movies away and went to the back to get more stuff.

"Next is the fresh food at the front" said Loki.

He grabbed a pair of rubber gloves and put them on.

"What are the gloves for" I asked.

"I don't want my hands to smell like garlic" said Loki.

Fair point, but is garlic that strong of a smell? Loki and I grabbed the food that goes up front and put it on the cart. It was all fruit and vegetables. Loki pulled the cart to the front and we started putting everything where it goes. I grabbed a few boxes of the vegetables and went to the garlic shelf first. I put the boxes down and started to empty the garlic box.

I figured I would do the garlic for Loki since he doesn't like it. I smelled a garlic as I put them in the shelf. It smells like garlic for sure. I put the garlic down and sniffed my fingers. They don't smell like garlic. I wonder if Loki has a stronger nose then me or something. I continued to put the garlic away but would still smell fingers from time to time. I don't understand what Loki was talking about.

It might be nothing, or he just doesn't like garlic. It doesn't really matter to be honest. Loki only mentioned the garlic which is weird. I mean says the bitch who has to cover their nose when someone eats a banana. They stink, are too wet and soggy, and taste terrible. After the garlic was put in the shelf I moved onto the potatoes. And again I smelled my fingers. I am curious and don't understand but I'm probably over thinking it.

How do your fingers smell" asked Loki.

"What" I asked looking up from the potatoes.

"I can see you smelling your fingers" said Loki as he grabbed the lettuce bags.

Fuck, I've been spotted.

"After what you said it made me wonder how strong the smell of garlic actually is" I said.

Loki and I both chuckled.

"Depends on the nose I guess" said Loki. 

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