Prison but Books and Vampires

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I was at the library picking up some more books and returning some. I was looking threw the different options. Hold up, I grabbed a book and looked at it. Harry Potter? They have Harry Potter on Asgard? What that bitch doing here? Just for the record I don't hate Harry Potter. I hate the author. I'm transgender and she hates us. But I'll give the book a try. 

"Harry Potter" asked Thor. 

"huh, Oh, ya. I only saw the first movie but figured I should read the book" I said. 

"Oh, anyway how have you and Loki been" asked Thor. 

"Oh you know, prison cell and prison food. Boring like always" I said. 

"True but then maybe next time you two shouldn't destroy the bifrost" said Thor. 

I said nothing and paused for a moment. I gave a fake laugh. I so want to tell this man that it was actually his brother who is a two faced bitch and not me and Loki that was the cause of that. But I'm sure he will figure it out one day. For now I have to keep up the lie. 

"Anyway I just came up here to get a few new books. I'm going to check these out and make sure Loki hasn't died of boredom" I said. 

"Okay, tell my uncle I said hello" said Thor. 

"I will" I said. 

I left and checked out the books I wanted before heading back to the prison. I walked threw the town and could tell people are staring at me. They don't like me. I noticed the food market was open so I picked up some fruit and and cookies on the way. 

"Back already" asked a guard. 

"Yep" I said. 

"Figured you would stay out longer" said the guard. 

"Loki is my only friend here" I said. 

"And now you have life in prison. You might want to rethink your friends" said the guard as he walked me to my cell. 

"You might want to rethink your friends th" I said in a mocking voice. 

The guard ignored me and we walked in silence. We made it to the cell and I was let in. I don't see Loki. I went to set the books down on the table and felt Loki wrap his arms around me from behind. 

"Hey, where did you come from" I asked. 

"I transformed into a snake and hid on the shelf while you were gone" said Loki as he put his head on my shoulder. 

"Oh" I said. 

I turned around to face Loki and he picked his head up. 

"I got the book you asked for" I said. 

"Thanks, I see you also got fruit" said Loki. 

"I thought you couldn't eat" I said confused. 

"I can, it just doesn't go to waste" said Loki. 

"Okay, well I need to was the fruit before we can eat it" I said. 

Loki kissed my neck. 

"When was the last time you checked your blood sugar levels" asked Loki. 

I tried to think. 

"Uhm, before I left" I said. 

Loki took a tiny bite of my neck to taste the blood. Now yes it may seem weird but honestly I don't mind it. Having Loki's mouth on my neck, it does things to me. What? I'm not sure, but I kinda like it. Loki licked my neck and stood up. 

"You're a little low. I'll help you was the fruit before we have some" said Loki. 

He gave me a quick peck on the lips before grabbing the fruit basket. Loki and I have a sink in our cell so we are able to wash the fruit in here. 

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