TVA File. Variant: Loki Laufeyson, Section 3

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"Who are you" asked Loki as I grabbed my prune stick. 

"(Y/n) (last/name), variant Outcast. I'm a member of the TVA" I said. 

I turned on the prune stick and pointed it at Loki. 

"I here by arrest you for crimes against the multiverse. You're coming with me" I said. 

Loki looked at me and laughed. He stood up. 

"And what makes you think that a mear mortal like you can order me around. I'm the God of mischief (nickname)" said Loki. 

"Don't call me that" I said angrily. 

"You loved it either" said Loki. 

"Ya, I also pretended I knew Jane" I said. 

"So you lied to me. Well, I am impressed but I won't be going anywhere with you" said Loki. 

"Alright" I said. 

I pushed a button on my tempad and Loki was electrocuted. He fell to the ground and I walked up to him. I stood over Loki and looked down at him. 

"Hurts I bet. Anyway the good news is you will most likely survive. Just try not to have Alligator bite your limbs off" I said with a smirk. 

I pushed the button again and the electricity stopped. I picked Loki up and put him on his feet. 

"The sooner we go the sooner you can come back. Maybe" I said. 

I created a portal with my tempad and walked Loki threw it. He wasn't at all happy about it. 

"By the way I didn't know you could dance" said President Loki walking up to us. 

Loki was confused. 

"Were you watching" I asked angrily. 

"I was protecting a friend" said President. 

"And who are you" asked Loki. 

"You, from another timeline" said President. 

He smiled at Loki. 

"What kind of trick is this? Am I suppose to fall for this? It's ridiculous" said Loki. 

"You get you to it" I said. 

"Do you mean use" asked Loki. 

"Ya, I just have autism" I said. 

I started taking Loki to the room. 

"Wait, I got it from here" said President stopping us. 

Loki noticed that he had one hand. 

"What happened to your hand" asked Loki. 

"Alligator Loki bit it off" said President. 

"Wait, now you are saying there is a alligator version of us" asked Loki. 

I stood there annoyed. I have a job to do. 

"Yes, but he's nothing compared to Sylvie" said President. 

"Who is Sylvie" asked Loki. 

"A women version of us" said President. 

Loki was even more surprised. 

"Alright, because that's not at all terrifying" said Loki confused. 

"Anyway I have a job to do" I said. 

"Yes but it says here that your blood sugar is low. So I have it from here" said President. 

I laughed a little. 

"As if I'll fucking leave you two alone. If I'm going then I leave Jotunheim with you" I said. 

"Okay, works for me" said President. 

"Uh, who is Jotunheim" asked Loki. 

"You'll see" I said. 

"Come on, let's get you settle in" said President as he took Loki. 

"UNHAND ME. I am Loki of Asgard" Loki yelled as President took him away. 

"And you are burden with glorious purpose. I know, I am you" said President. 

"There is only one me, and that's me. A mere faker like you is not the God of Mischief" said Loki. 

They left and Loki was taken to the room where he would be stripped by a robot and put into TVA clothes. I can hear those fangirls squealing. I just rolled my eyes and went to the cafeteria to have a brownie and some juice. That was all I saw of the Loki variant. 

TVA MEMBER: (y/n) (middle/ name) (Last/ name) 

Version: Outcast 

Signing off. 


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