Avengers and T.O.M.

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WARNING: Mention of needles at the end. So if you hate shots you have been warned.


I sat in my hiding spot. Assuming the helicarrier stops falling I will be safe here. 

"It's Barton, he took out our systems. Does anyway have eyes on Loki" asked Fury. 

"He's escaped. Loki, is heading to, the roof" said Phil. 

"Someone needs to stop him. Does anybody copy" asked Fury. 

There was no answer. Fuck it. 

"This is (y/n) (l/n). I copy" I said standing up. 

"No (y/n) you are not ab" Fury started but I took the earpiece out of my ear. 

I quickly limped to find Loki. I saw Loki walking down a hall and followed him. Loki turned around to punch me but I dodged. 

"Y/n" said Loki. 

"Surprised" I asked. 

I tried to kick Loki but he grabbed my leg. I yelped as Loki held my leg. He loosened his grip and looked at my leg. 

"You broke your leg" said Loki. 

It happened during the explosion while the Avengers were fighting. Bruce and I fell to the floor below but some pipes or something fell on my leg. I pulled my leg away from Loki and ran to tackle Loki. Loki dodged and held me from behind. 

"You know, you shouldn't kick something with your broken leg" said Loki. 

I will never admit it but I do like Loki holding me in his arms. I elbowed Loki in the side and he let go of me. I turned to punch Loki but he held my arm. 

"It hurts to stand on my broken leg" I said. 

"Then you shouldn't be fighting me at all" said Loki. 

I frowned and freed my arm. 

"I'm not letting you escape, not without a fight" I said. 

Loki chuckled. 

"Very well" he said. 

Loki tried to grab me but I dodged. I stood up and Loki grabbed me. I tried to stomp on his foot but it didn't work. 

"How about this, I'll tell you everything you wish to know if you let me go. Or we could  continue to do this the hard way" said Loki. 

I tried to punch Loki but he grabbed my hand. 

"Of course you chose the hard way cupcake" said Loki. 

His hand glowed and he tried to touch my forehead but I stopped him. Loki and I wrested for a bit till I bit his arm. Loki yelped and threw me on the ground. Not going to lie, this was a dumb idea. Loki stood over me and his hand glowed. 

"What's that" I asked. 

"Something to take the pain away" said Loki. 

He put his hand on my forehead I fainted. Loki picked me up and started to carry me away as I blacked out. 

I was being carried in someone's arms. I was now wearing shorts. I opened my eyes and saw Loki was carrying me. I'm still a little tired from whatever Loki did but my leg still hurts like hell. 

"How'd you sleep" asked Loki. 

"Fine, where are we" I asked. 

"Asgard" said Loki. 

I was a bit confused by this. 

"Why" I asked. 

"You broke your leg and need a doctor" said Loki. 

He's not wrong. 

"But why bring me to Asgard" I asked. 

"To keep a eye on you" said Loki. 

He took me to a room and laid me down on a bed. Loki made his hands turn cold and gently placed them on my broken leg. That does feel better. I leaned my head back and tried to relax. The door opened and a doctor came in. 

"Good news is there is no surgery needed. A cast will work just fine. But I want to give a shot to help the swelling go down" said the doctor. 

"WHAT" I asked picking my head up. 

Loki sat on the bed next to me and held my hand. 

"You'll be okay" said Loki. 

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