Crimson Loki short

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Loki and I made it to the mansion. After my parents forgot I exist I decided to move to Canada and live with Loki and Lucille. We got out of the car and I looked at the house. 

"Mr Loki, I see you are back" said a man. 

"Yes Finley, I had to stay in a America for a little longer to finish some paper work" said Loki. 

I looked at Finley and Loki. 

"Oh, I'd like you to meet my partner (y/n)" said Loki. 

"Hi" I said. 

"How could I forget. You've been together for centuries. Now let me help you with the bags" said Finley. 

I was confused as Finley went to get the bags. 

"Centuries? What is he talking about" I asked. 

"Honestly I'm not sure. Finley has dementia unfortunately so he probably confused me for someone else" said Loki. 

"Oh" I said. 

I heard a bark and we turned to see a dog running up to us. It was a Jack Russell terrier. 

"Who is this little guy" I asked. 

I got on my knees and the dog ran up to me with some kids. 

"Hi, I'm Enola, these two are Billy and Tommy" said the girl. 

"I'm (y/n)" I said. 

The dog barked and sniffed me. 

"I must have forgot to mention Sparky. He's mine and Lucille's pet dog. The kids really love him" said Loki. 

"Does he have any toys" asked Billy. 

"Yes, his toys should be in the living room by the movies" said Loki. 

"Okay" said Tommy. 

The three kids ran inside with Sparky following them. I stood up and turned to face Loki. 

"So how many people are staying here" I asked. 

"Just the two families for now. Enola's family is just spending the night and the boys will be here for a few days. Now I'm sure your leg is bothering you so if I may carry you" said Loki. 

"Sure" I said. 

Loki picked me up and carried me into the house. It was huge. When we were inside Loki set me on my feet. My fake leg wasn't actually bothering me. Loki just wanted to carry me inside. Loki wrapped his arm around my back. 

"What do you think (y/n)? Does it look the part" asked Loki. 

"It's bigger then I thought" I said. 

Loki smiled. 

"Well I know it might not look like much with all the repairs needed" said Loki. 

I looked at him. 

"The house is decades old. It hasn't had a owner since the 1990s. After being empty for so long the wood is rotting in some places and there is a hole in the ceiling as you can see" said Loki as he pointed up. 

We looked up at the massive hole. 

"I imagine it looked better in the past" I said. 

"Possibly" said Loki. 

He took his arm off of me and stood in front of me. 

"But once the repairs on this place are finished it will be a beautiful place to live" said Loki. 

Loki kissed my cheek and started heading up stairs. 

"I'll make sure that all our stuff was taken to the correct room. I'll see you up there and can give you a tour of all the rooms. I have a library with tons of amazing books and our bedroom has the sun shine threw the windows with a beautiful sunrise every morning. I can't wait to show you everything" said Loki. 

He smiled and continued heading upstairs. I love Loki's smile. I noticed that when he is excited about something he not only smiles but his eyes in a way sparkle and he just looks really adorable. I took my hat off and started to walk around the house. 

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