Crimson Loki short because I can't start a fucking book

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I sat in the library reading a book. I have been feeling a bit better. Turns out the reason I was sick and throwing up was because I had high blood sugar. Lucille said that it was probably the hot chocolate and said that she will have to add less sugar to it or do sugar free. 

I looked out the window and saw the snow falling outside. I grew up in America and i hardly ever remember there being snow in October. But in Canada that seems to be a different story. Loki entered and sat on the couch next to me.

"How you feeling (nickname)" asked Loki. 

"Better, I think I might bake something today" I said. 

Loki smiled. 

"Good, anyway the last of the visitors are gone so it's just the three of us for the winter" said Loki. 

"Okay" I said. 

Loki looked at the book that I was reading. 

"Now that you are feeling better and there won't be visitors till spring, do you want to do anything" asked Loki. 

"Don't tell me you plan to walk around the house naked" I joked. 

Loki chuckled. 

"No, maybe in our bedroom but not the house. Lucille would never let me hear the end of it" said Loki. 

"True" I said. 

I put a book mark in the book and set it on the coffee table before cuddling with Loki. 

"But no, I don't have many plans" I said. 

"Me neither" said Loki. 

Sparky ran into the room and jumped up onto the couch. 

"Lucille must be vacuuming again" said Loki. 

"Why are dogs so scared of vacuums" I asked. 

"I'm not sure" said Loki. 

Sparky fell asleep on the couch. Loki and I cuddled on the couch. We don't have any plans so it might just be a quiet day. 

"I got a question" I said. 

"What is it" asked Loki. 

"Once we finish repairing the mansion will we still not rent to people in the winter" I asked. 

"Honestly I hope so. I kind of like having season where it's just use three and the dog" said Loki. 

"It is nice" I said. 

Loki and I cuddled in silence as we figured out what to do now. We live in the middle of no where and I don't feel like going to town today. 

"Do you want to walk around outside" asked Loki. 

Sparky's head popped up. 

"Ya sure, let's go" I said. 

Loki and I went down stairs with Sparky. We went to the front door and got ready to go outside. Mostly just putting on a coat, gloves, and a hat and scarf. Sparky was barking and whining while waiting for us to put the gear on. 

"Not all of us have fur drama queen" I said. 

Sparky started howling. After we were ready Loki opened the door and we went outside. Sparky bolted out the door and started running around the yard. Loki and I went outside and Loki closed the door. Loki and I held hands as we walked. 

"How's your hand by the way" I asked. 

"Better, I think it's healed by now" said Loki. 

"Good" I said. 

Sparky ran over to us and started to roll around in the snow. 

"Anyway I think it's time we kept on the other animals" I said. 

"Oh, ya I haven't checked on them for a while" I said. 

Loki and I first went to check on the chickens. A good thing about living in the middle of no where is there is plenty of land to own animals. Loki and I went to get the feed and something to collect the eggs in. We only have 8 chickens. 

This will also probably be the last collection eggs until spring. We don't use a light to force the chickens to lay eggs because we like to give them a break. Even though we use our small farm as our main money income for the winter. 

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