Hotel and T.O.M.

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I woke up and looked out the window.

"Where are we now" I asked.

"We made it to Georgia. I'm going to pull over at a gas station so we can let Albert out and figure out what the Hell to do next" said my dad.

There was a state wide evacuation in Florida so everyone had to leave. It's actually not do to a hurricane or anything. Something happened at a NASA base or something so everyone had to leave in the middle of the night. Since it happened without warning we had to drive which was about 5 hours for us.

My dad pulled into a parking lot and we parked the car. We hooked Albert who was already whinning up to his leash. He isn't must of a travel dog. I took Albert to some grass to go to the bathroom while my parents figured out what next.

We have family in other states that we can stay with but we need to figure out something tonight. Most likely a hotel that allows pets. I got a notification on my cell phone and looked at it. Someone commented on my fanfiction.

I went up to the library and found Loki reading one of the many books. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey" said Loki.

"Hi, I never pictured the library would be so huge" I said.

"Well I like collecting books" said Loki.

"I see" I said looking around.

I looked at the book Loki had in his hand.

"So what are you reading right now" I asked.

Loki showed me the book. It was all in Norse so I couldn't read it.

"It's a collection of short stories. Right now I'm on the Lottery by Shirley Jackson. So far it's seems no one wants to win the lottery" said Loki.

"I can imagine why" I said.



I was not expecting the twist at the of the Lottery

I chuckled a little. I don't think anyone was expecting that. It's kind of a creepy story. My parents found a hotel for a few nights and we went there. It does allow pets which is good for Albert. There is no way we would leave the little guy behind.

After the short break we loaded back up in the car and went to the hotel. We ordered pizza while my parents contacted family outside the state. I was at the pool with my feet in the hot tub. I don't use tampons so I don't feel like swiming and it's not a water park. Just a pool and hot tub. My mom entered and handed me my phone.

"Do you know this number" asked my mom.

I took my phone and looked at it.

"No" I said.

I declined the call but the number called again.

"Probably a wrong number" I said.

"Well whatever it is the pizza is here" said my mom.

I got up and we went back to the room to have some pizza.

"So any plans yet" I asked.

"We either are going to Washington to spend with grandma or to south dakota to stay with other relatives" said my dad.

"Hello" said a voice on my phone.

I swear I didn't answer the call. I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone.

"You have reached the voicemail box of (y/n) (l/n). Please leave a message" I said.

"This is Phil Colsin of shield. I need to talk with you" said the voice.

"Then you know what to do" I said.

The door opened and a man stood there. He ended the call.

"I'm agent Phil from shield. I was sent to give you guys a update on Florida. This will explain everything" said Phil holding up a device.

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