A Bleeding Heart part 3

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I smiled as I put the books on the shelf.

"You seem happier today, good date last night" said Loki.

"What" I asked.

Loki chuckled.

"I asked how your date was last night" said Loki.

"Oh, no, I don't have one. I'm single" I said.

"So then why are you so happy today" asked Loki.

"Today is Thursday. Every Thursday my roommate Sydney and I hang out around town together" I said.

"Like clubs and stuff" asked Loki.

"Nah, parties aren't my thing. Too many strangers and too loud of music" I said.

"Fair point, so what are your plans this Thursday" asked Loki.

"Going bowling. Sydney has tonight off so she doesn't have to worry about work or anything as well" I said.

"Sounds like fun" said Loki.

"What about you? Do you have any plans tonight" I asked.

"No, not at the moment. I'll probably just catch up on chores around the house" said Loki.

"Oh" I said.

Honestly I'm excited for tonight but I don't know how much bowling I will do. I woke up with a headache and nausea. I'm sure it's nothing so I took some medicine and came to work.

"Are you feeling okay" asked Loki.

"Ya, why" I asked.

"You, you look like your in pain" said Loki.

"It's just a headache. I'll be better tomorrow" I said.

Loki gave me a fake smile.

"Just take it easy tonight" said Loki.

"I will" I said with a smile.

Another reason I'm glad to go bowling instead of to a club. Just a peaceful night out with my friend. There is also a restaurant at the bowling alley. So I don't have to cook food tonight. Which is actually great sometimes. Especially since the rest of work was exhausting. I went straight home and fell into my bed. I tiredly kicked my shoes off and passed out.

Which means I will skip my pole fitness class today but I clearly don't have the energy to go today. I felt a tap on my face. I ignored it. Someone shook my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw a boy. I yelped as I sat up.

"Who the fuck are you" I asked.

"T,tyler. I'm Sydney's boyfriend" said the boy.

I noticed Tyler had a stitch on his cheek.

"Oh, is there something you need" I asked.

"I noticed you have high blood sugar. So I got you some water" said Tyler.

He put the glass up to my lips but I shoved his hand away.

"What are you talking about" I asked.

Tyler was confused.

"Your blood sugar is high from your diabetes" said Tyler.

"What makes you think I have diabetes" I asked.

"You smell like a diabetic" said Tyler.

I was confused and shocked by this.

"And what the fuck does that mean" I asked angrily.

Sydney ran into the room.

"What's going on here" asked Sydney.

"Your boyfriend woke me up and said I smell like a diabetic or whatever" I said angrily.

""You do, so I got you some water but you just shoved me away bitch" said Tyler.

"ENOUGH" Sydney yelled.

We both looked at Sydney. She took a deep breath and put on a smile.

"Tyler I told you to wake Daron up but I never said he had diabetes. Plus it's rude to comment on someone's smell like that. I told you that my roommate has autism and is different around strangers so try a more gentle approach not give the poor guy a heart attack" said Sydney.

Tyler stood up.

"Fine, perhaps I was too harsh" said Tyler.

He turned to face me.

"I am sorry for my actions Daron" said Tyler.

"I forgive you" I said.

"Good, now that is over with are we still going bowling tonight" asked Sydney.

"Yes, I just need to get ready" I said.

I got up and we left my room. I fixed myself up a bit and grabbed my satchel before we left the apartment. Tyler agreed to stay here because he doesn't want to intrude on our night out. Thursday being the only night Sydney has off means this is the only night we can do this.

Sydney drove us to the bowling alley and we each paid for two people. I can never remember my size for bowling shoes so I had to try a few on until I got a size 7. Sydney and I put our bowling shoes on and picked a lane.

"I can set up the game quick if you want to go get a ball quick. Do you care who goes first" asked Sydney.

"No, you can choose" I said.

"Okay, should we use our real names or silly nick names" asked Sydney.

I thought for a bit.

"I'll go with Bandana for my nickname" I said.

I went to go get a ball while Sydney started to set up the game. There are many different colors. I tend to like multi color or glowing colors more than one plan color. Bowling balls obviously don't glow but there are a few tie die ones. I picked up a ball that was Purple, Black, and Green. It's pretty and light enough for me to carry.

"5 bowling alleys and we happen to go to the same one. What are the odds" said Loki.

I was shocked and turned around to see Loki.

"Hey, are you stalking me or something" I joked.

Loki and I laughed a little.

"I wish, it would be better then my nephew dragging me here" said Loki.

"I didn't know you have a nephew" I said.

"Unfortunately his father is my step brother" said Loki.

"Sounds rough, anyway Sydney and I are going to play a game before we get dinner. You can join us for dinner if that's okay" I said.

"Sure, it's better then helping my nephew spy on his girlfriend" said Loki.

"Young love is so hard" I joked.

"And yet it's very interesting to watch the drama unfold" Loki joked.

"Anyway I have to get back to Sydney for a game quick. I'll see you later" I said. 

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