She Who Remains, Seated

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I was at a party in disguise. Not that my sister and brother would recognize me anyway. My brother Thomas was holding a candle and explained the waltz. 

"Now that, requires the perfect partner" said Thomas. 

He walked up to Edith and held out his hand. 

"Would you be mine" Thomas asked. 

"I don't think so. But I sure Eunice would be delighted" said Edith. 

"But I dare say, I asked you" said Thomas. 

Edith slowly took Thomas' hand and they walked onto the dance floor. I felt my tempad vibrate and silently left the room. I made it to the bathroom and checked my tempad to see a text from Loki. 

Tree Loki: It's been five days 

More like a month. 

Me: I know, miss minutes blocked my tempad so I can't come to you though 

Tree Loki: I know, I asked her to but she removed it 

I was confused. Why would Loki do that? Every five days we switch. Why would she give me a month? I created a portal to Loki and walked threw it to see Loki sitting in the thrown with the timelines all around her. 

"I assume I get a month now" I joked. 

"Not quite" said Loki. 

I am even more confused. 

"What" I asked. 

"The deal was we switch every five days. However I noticed some stuff over the past year" said Loki. 

"Like what" I asked. 

"For starters, you only requested to sit here and let me go because I'm the only one left who knows who you truly are (y/n) Sharpe" said Loki. 

"And this is suddenly important why" I asked. 

Loki took a deep breath. 

"I'm just saying I don't understand. You have your universe to go home to but choose not to. It seems you'd rather sit here then be with your family" said Loki. 

"I haven't seen them sense I was 13. It's too late to go back, and I don't like you being lonely here" I said. 

"So you would rather sit here then go back" asked Loki. 

"Basically" I said. 

"What about the other yous" asked Loki. 

"I can protect them from here. After all, can't kill a me that no one knows where to find" I said. 

Loki gave a small smile. 

"I think you need to learn love yourself" said Loki. 

"Well, I have five days to think it over" I said. 

I noticed Loki wasn't getting up. She didn't say anything or appear to even be interested in getting up. 

"So uh, are you going to give me the branches" I asked. 

Loki said nothing and looked away. 

"Loki, what aren't you telling me" I asked. 

Loki looked at me and took a deep breath. 

"In truth, I can't" said Loki. 

I was confused. 

"What are you talking about? We agreed to switch every five days" I asked. 

"If I give you the time line branches it could destroy the multiverse" said Loki. 

"SENSE WHEN" I yelled interrupting Loki. 

"Since always. When we give each other the branches it weakens them. They need time to heal and it's too dangerous to keep switching. So I'll stay here. You're welcome to visit when ever you like but I can't take the risk of destroying the multiverse. So I will stay here and as promised I will stay silent about your past" said Loki. 

I was shocked and felt my heart ache with sadness and anger. 

"Well" I started and started stimming. 

"What all your friends? I can't just leave you to sit here alone" I said. 

"I already said my goodbyes a month ago. If you want you can sit with me but you won't be able to leave for a thousand years" said Loki. 

I thought about it. A thousand years. I grabbed my tempad and opened a portal. 

"I'll be right back. I have some stuff to do first before I can sit with you" I said. 

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