Frost Bitch Dimension (M1)

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I am one of the only humans left on earth. There was a vampire apocalypse. Yes you read that correctly. Vampire Apocalypse. Now most of the universe is vampires. A few of us humans hide out in secret. Although most people would think just don't invite the fuckers in right? Great, what happens when I run out of food at my house? 

Those vampires wait outside. Although they can't go in the sunlight. So for the most part sunny days are safe but vampires, the brave ones wear a cloak. Or then there is Stark who has his iron suit. When he has free time he flies over the city looking for new pray. It's now illegal to be human. So the Avengers are also part of a task force to turn people into vampires. I was on my way to Walmart to get some more food on a sunny day. 

A few vampires were hissing from the shadows. 

"STARK I FOUND ONE" a vampire yelled from the shadows as he looked up at the sky. 

Oh shit, I started running as fast as I can. 

"YA THAT'S RIGHT, YOU BETTER RUN FOREST" the vampire yelled. 

I kept running. After a few minutes I realized that vampire was just lying and wanted to scare me. But I kept running because it's cold outside. It's winter which means there is snow everywhere. I saw the store and ran to the entrance. I was grabbed and flew up into the sky. 

"That makes you the first (hair/color) this month. I thought you were all vampire's by now" said Tony. 

"PUT ME DOWN" I screamed. 

"Relax, I'll put you down when we get to shield" said Tony. 

Suddenly Tony's suit was frozen and he dropped me. I closed my eyes and fell. I landed on a pile of snow and tumbled down. I sat up and saw Tony was stuck in ice. What the heck? Someone put their hand on the back of my head and I fainted. 

I was on a bed covered up with blankets. I opened my eyes and looked around. The walls and everything seemed to be made of ice. Even the bed frame was made of ice. 

"Sorry, I know Jotunhiem is a bit cold for humans" said a voice. 

I looked at the door was and saw a blue man with black hair and red eyes. 

"Oh, I assume you are the one who saved me from Stark" I said. 

"Yes, I'm Loki Laufeyson" said the man. 

"Nice to meet you, and thanks for saving me back there" I said. 

"You're welcome, what ever your name is" said Loki. 

"Oh, I'm (y/n)" I said. 

"I don't think I ever heard that one before" said Loki. 

We were silent for a minute. 

"I hope you don't mind me asking. But if you are a frost giant why are you, the same height as me" I asked nervously. 

I don't want to seem like a bitch. 

"I'm just in my smaller form right now. Unlike the other jotuns I learned Asgardain magic from Frigga and I can change my size. Normally I'm much taller then this" said Loki. 

"Oh, that makes sense. Where on Jotunhiem are we exactly" I asked. 

"In the castle walls. I made a some tunnels and rooms for my friend Thor and I to sneak around in" said Loki. 

I took the blankets off and took my legs off the bed. 

"Oh, here" said Loki. 

He grabbed some slippers and gave them to me. 

"The floor is ice so it's pretty cold for a human. I got you some slippers and I took your socks off while you were asleep because I didn't know if you humans wear that to stuff to bed" said Loki. 

"Oh, thanks, for the slippers" I said. 

I put the (color) slippers on and stood up. 

"I also added some better grip on the bottom so you won't slip and fall too much" said Loki. 

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