Becoming a Frost Giant

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boyfriend: Loki 

older brother of the twins: Thor

evil twin: Tony

good twin: Robert Downey Jr


We all made it to Jotunheim. 

"It's cold" said Loki. 

"Let's just get this over with" said Thor annoyed. 

We started walking up to the castle. It's empty. 

"Where are they" asked Pepper. 

"Hiding, as cowards always do" said Thor. 

I looked around as we walked. I feel like the frost giants are watching us. 

"You've come a long way to die you seven" said a voice. 

We all stopped walking and looked at the one in the shadows. More frost giants came out of hiding. 

"Your highness" said the leader looking at me. 

My uncle Marcus is king of the frost giants. 

"How did you monsters break into Earth" asked Thor angrily. 

"The house of Odin is full of traitors" said the leader. 

I saw Tony trying to look innocent. I bet he did something. 


The stood up angrily. 

"Your father" the leader asked angrily. 

This won't end well. I can feel my mind slipping already. 

"Sir" said frost giant. 

"We went to Earth to get what belongs to us. Unlike you we don't wish to start a war when we are already fighting for lives against the frozen plague" said the leader. 

"Maybe it's what you deserve" said Thor. 

That statement struck a nerve inside the leader that made them about ready to kill Thor on behalf of their sister. 

"Listen here you little shit" said the leader. 

I tried to hide the laugh. I'm also sweating. I should probably sit down. 

"You are lucky I don't kill you here and now. But there are more important things then dealing with a child like you" said the leader. 

"You can't possible kill me" said Thor. 

The frost giants seem to be closing in on us. I saw one pull a needle out of a bag. That's terrifying. Loki created a dagger as we all looked at each other. 

"Thor stop and think, we are not only out numbered but also have a friend who will enter a coma again before we leave" said Robert as he walked up to Thor. 

"Know your place Robert. I don't take orders from you" said Thor. 

"You should listen to him and leave before I change my mind. But if I ever catch any of you here again I will turn you into a frost giant myself" said the leader. 

"Do you think you can walk" asked Loki. 

"Maybe" I said. 

"The boy stays with us" said the leader. 

"Then I'm staying two" said Loki. 

"Then stay safe" said Clint. 

Our friends started leaving. 

"Come on brother" said Tony. 

Thor angrily started to leave. 

"Run back home little princess" said a frost giant. 

And just like that a fight started. Our friends started to fight the frost giants. Loki helped me run somewhere safe. Thankfully I brought my bag. I'm type 1 diabetic and have low blood sugar. Loki made sure no one attacked us while I have a snack. I had a juice box and some candy. Now I have to wait for my levels to go up. 

"You okay" asked Loki. 


"Yes" I said. 

Loki created a illusion of me. A frost giant saw it and started to run after it. The illusion ran to a cliff and stood at the edge frightened. The frost giant ran up to tackle me but realized it was just a illusion. The frost giant fell off the cliff. I hope they didn't die. Loki and I peaked out from the hiding place. Loki stood above me and made the illusion vanish. 

"Alright lets sneak away" said Loki. 

We started to leave but were grabbed. Loki and I tried to break free. 

"LET US GO" Loki yelled. 

Another frost giant grabbed my arm. It was wearing gloves so it can't give me frost bite. The frost giant rolled up my sleeve as I tried to kick them away. It put a needle in my arm and injected the serum into me. I cold feel the cold liquid go threw me as my skin turned blue. The frost giant holding me put me down and I punched the other one in the face. Loki freed himself and we took down the three frost giants. Loki removed the needle I tried to rub the blue skin away but it didn't work. 

"Stop" Loki said grabbing my arm. 

I looked at Loki. 

"You cant hurt me" said Loki as he held my hand. 

"Kets just get out of here" said Loki. 

"Right" I said. 

I was blue until we left Jotunheim. I'm only blue in the cold. 

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