Norse Loki part 2

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I laid with Loki outside. We watched the sky while Valka made dinner. I turned my head and looked at Loki. 

"What is Asgard like" I asked. 

"It's a kingdom where the Gods and Goddess live. Odin is the king of Asgard. It's safe there and there are great healers to help you heal. Plus Odin is a knowledge hungry guy. He has ravens tell him everything about Earth so he might know more about your past" said Loki. 

"Hopefully, otherwise I will have to wait to get my memory back" I said. 

I looked up at the sky. Loki pulled me closer so I can lay on his chest. 

"There is no rush (y/n). I'm sure you will see your family again" said Loki. 

Loki looked at the clouds in the sky. I smiled as a thought popped into my head. 

"The thing that I like most about watching the sky is the feeling of falling" I said. 

"Falling" Loki asked confused. 

"Ya, laying here and looking up at the sky I feel like I might fall into space. I'm sure it's scary to some people but for some reason it makes me feel calm" I said. 

Loki was a little confused by this. 

"What happens after you fall into space" asked Loki. 

"Well, before I die from lack of oxygen, I would stop falling. I would get to see the earth and be surrounded by all the stars. Plus all the planets and everything. I imagine it would be quiet" I said. 

I looked at Loki. 

"But sometimes danger is beautiful" I said. 

Loki smiled with a small laugh. 

"I like that" he said. 

Loki and I continued to cuddle there as we watched the sky. I fell asleep in Loki's arms. I napped for a few hours it feels like but I am not even sure I should sit up. Let alone if I can. We ended up having chicken for dinner. 

"So we will stay here tonight and in the morning we will go to Asgard" said Loki. 

"Okay, how will we get there" I asked.

"Asgard has this thing called a bifrost. It will bring us there" said Loki.

"Sounds like a plan" I said.

Loki looked at me and smiled.

"What" I asked.

"You remind me of someone" said Loki.

"Sigyn, she, is my wife" said Loki.

"Oh, how long" I asked.

"Well, we got married when we became adults but we were really close growing up" said Loki.

"Sounds like you're a lucky guy" I said.

"Ya, she was my whole world" said Loki as he looked at the sky.

"So why isn't she here now" I asked.

Loki turned his head to look at me.

"I mean you don't have to tell me if it's painful or something" I said.

"No it's fine" said Loki.

He cleared his throat.

"I just don't know where she is. She got injured by a snake one day saving my life and I haven't seen her since" said Loki.

"I'm sure you will find her some day. She's probably looking for you as well" I said.

"I hope so, I remember how when my daughter Hela was little she use to play pirate with her" said Loki.

"You have a daughter two? What next you also have a son and a dragon" I joked.

"No" said Loki angrily.

I was a bit surprised by his sudden anger but Loki took a deep breath and relaxed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. It's just, in short my son's are dead. They, they died in a fight" said Loki.

We were silent for a minute.

"Sorry, I didn't know. If I did I wouldn't of made the joke" I said.

"It's fine, but I don't exactly like to talk about my past sometimes. So let's talk about something else" said Loki.

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