Learning to Love part 4

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We made it to the frost planet and looked around. Daron rubbed his hands together before blowing into his glove. I noticed my necklace glow and looked around. I saw a figure of a girl. She looked beautiful, but why did my necklace finally glow here of all places? I was going to ask the girl for her name but she vanished. At least I know she exist. 

"We shouldn't be here" said Clint. 

"Let's move" I said. 

We started walking. God I'm freezing my balls off here. It's freezing cold. We made it to a town that was empty. The buildings looked to be in good shape so I don't believe the town was abandon. Street lights still work, no cobwebs or anything, clean and no broken windows. It's a regular town, just empty. There was small shops on the street. 

They were selling food, clothes, and other goods. The shops were the same as the buildings and the food was fresh. I assume it was fresh anyway. I never had Jotun food before. We kept walking threw the town. It's empty but it feels like we are being watched. 

"Where are they" asked Natasha. 

"Hiding, like cowards always do" I said. 

"Well I think that is a bit harsh" Daron mumbled. 

I rolled my eyes and chose to ignore the comment. It's not worth fighting my friend. 

"You've come a long way to die warm bloods" said a voice. 

We all jumped at the sudden voice and looked around. A frost alien walked out of the shadows. 

"Who are you" I asked. 

"Laufey, the current leader of this planet" said the alien. 

"So tell me how your people got into Earth" I said. 

More Jotuns came out of the shadows and stood around us. 

"We do not wish to fight. We just want our cube and our royals" said Laufey. 

"Well as long as I'm alive you won't get it. Now tell me how you freaks managed to leave this planet" I said angrily. 

The jotuns were angry. Laufey chuckled and took a step closer. 

"The house of Odin is full of traitors" said Laufey. 


"Your family? If I remember correctly didn't they slaughter hundreds of my fellow jotuns during the war? Don't tell me you now ask for peace" said Laufey. 

"I don't make peace with monsters like you" I said. 

The frost aliens all got their weapons ready. Daron blinked a few times and checked his blood sugar levels. His boyfriend looked at the screen. 

"It's low" said Daron. 

The jotuns all seemed to be planning something. Thor walked up to me. 

"Loki, stop and think about this. Take a look around, not only are we out numbered but our friend could need a hospital if we do anything stupid" said Thor. 

"Shut up brother" I said. 

"You should listen to him. Unlike you, I know what your actions will unless. However since our future king is with you I'll allow you to leave in peace. Go now, before I change my mind. If I ever see any of you beside the prince come back here again I will turn you into a jotun myself" said Laufey. 

"We will accept your deal and I'll make sure my brother doesn't come back here" said Chris. 

Chris looked at me. 

"Come on Loki, we got what we came for" said Chris. 

My friends all started leaving. 

"Do you have any snacks with you" asked Daron's boyfriend as he wrapped his arm around Daron as the walked away. 

"Ya" Daron said. 

I groaned angrily and started to follow my friends. 

"Run back home little princess" said a jotun. 

"Fuck" said Chris. 

I frowned and turned around to punch that Jotun in the face.

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