Taking Down the Hex

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I finished putting the grandkids to bed. My kids Hela, Fenrir, and Jormungand said there were going to watch some old movies in their old room before going to bed. I went down stairs and picked up a picture frame from the table by the couch. It was from when the twins graduated highschool. 

"There's are parents. Act like we love each other" said Jormungand. 

Hela elbowed Jormungand and took off for the stage. 

"HELA" Jormungand yelled. 


Jormungand ran after her and they raced. Jormungand grabbed Hela to pull her aside but tripped and they fell on the stairs leading to the stage. The crowd had a good laugh as the two got up and continued like nothing happened. 

The picture as taken shortly after the ceremony. Loki and I stood with our three kids and the twins held up their deplomas. Fenrir was a grade behind them so they graduated a year later. I smiled and put the picture down. I turned off the lamp and walked over to the other lamp. 

I turned it off and wrapped my arms around myself as I silently cried a little. Tonight the hex is taken down. My kids aren't real yet and neither are the grandkids. I know it's not the end but I feel like I'm losing everything. A lamp turned on behind me. I opened my eyes and turned around to see Loki. 

"I thought you were asleep" I said. 

"No, I thought I should check on you. I uh, read that it's bad luck to say goodbye in the dark" said Loki. 

I gave a small smile. 

"No you didn't" I said. 

Loki chuckled a little. 

"No, I didn't. I just wanted to see you one last time before you wake up" said Loki. 

"And" I asked. 

"You're as beautiful as the day we met" said Loki. 

He walked up to me and wiped a tear from my face. 

"I also wanted to ask, after, well everything. Do you still Love me" asked Loki. 

I put my hand on Loki's cheek. 

"Loki, I will always love you. No matter what" I said. 

Loki smiled and we kissed. I know I have to wake up but I don't want to. I don't want to leave Loki. We broke the kiss and looked outside at the hex closing in on us. I held Loki's hand and took a deep breath. 

"I know we can't stay like this but" Loki started and I looked at him. 

Loki signed. 

"We were best friends growing up. I have been a ghost living inside you, I have ruled Earth with you by my side and now, a dream made real. I can't wait to see you again" said Loki with a small smile. 

"I'll be waiting, come find me in the real world" I said. 

"I always will" said Loki. 

We had one final kiss as the hex reached the house. I started to hear a faint hospital noise that got louder as the hex was being taken down. I started to disappear as Loki and I kissed. The hex was moving slower then it was outside. 

It took itself down one time period at a time. From now to early 2000s, 1900s, 1800s, and finally Asgard. After it reached Asgard the walls started to disappear. Loki and I broke the kiss to look into each other's eyes one last time. Loki gave me his eye patch. 

"Good morning (nickname)" said Loki. 

I then woke up in the hospital. I sat up and saw that I still have Loki's eye patch. I know I'll see him again. One day, we won't have to say goodbye anymore. 

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