Loki won and T.O.M.

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"Okay no peaking" said Loki as he lead me into the house. 

"I can't with your hands over my eyes" I said. 

"I'm just making sure" said Loki. 

He took his hands off my eyes. I kept my eyes close. Loki stood behind me and put his head on my shoulder. 

"Okay, you can open your eyes" said Loki. 

I opened my eyes and looked around at the new house. 

"Wow" I said. 

"Yep, finally out of the hotel room" said Loki. 

"Come to think of it we are probably the only people to take over the Earth and then spend a week living in a hotel room" I said. 

If that's what it takes to succeed. And as promised we will bring back right to abortion and support for the LGBT community" said Loki. 

"Damn right we will" I said. 

I turned my head to look back at Loki and kissed him on the lips. 

"I haven't even shown you the best part yet" said Loki. 

He took my hand and led me to the top floor. We entered a empty room and I was impressed by the layout. There isn't any furniture yet but there is tons of space and a huge window to see outside with a patio leading outside. 

"It has a perfect view of the sunrise every morning and you can see the rain and snow when it falls outside" said Loki. 

"It's amazing" I said. 

Normally if someone took over the world I would be against it but knowing all the shit that is happening maybe Loki taking over isn't such a bad thing. Plus I came up with the idea to bring back right to abortion. My body my choice. Not everyone is as privilaged as you. But that is a whole other story. 

"What will this room be" I asked. 

"I'm not sure. There are still tons of rooms to see" said Loki. 

"Which also raised the question should we have our own rooms or share a room" I asked. 

"I'd prefer to share a room. After all I've already seen you with no clothing so it's not like I haven't seen anything" said Loki with a smile. 

I smiled but quickly brushed it off. 

"True but unfortunatily I have to ask because of my family" I said. 

Loki was confused. 

"They don't feel comfortable with me staying here with here unless they are here two. They still don't trust you" I said. 

"To be fair they do have their reasons. We should probably have a separate room for when they visit we won't sleep together" said Loki. 

"Good idea. I fly out at six tomorrow morning to go back to my old home so I can pack" I said. 

"I'm sending Stark with you as a guard" said Loki. 

"I feel like I don't need one but I am famous now" I said. 

"Plus it would make me feel better" said Loki. 

Loki and I continued to walk around our new home. After exploring we laid out the map of the place for each floor and started planning which room is which. The next morning I was on a flight to see my family. I didn't like the idea of a private jet but everyone was all "oh you're a royal now" "Time to start acting like a royal" Ugh. I looked out the window of the plane. 

"It's raining pretty hard out there" I said. 

(Plane crash up ahead. No you don't die. You survive and later make it back to Loki) 

"The pilot said the storm shouldn't be too bad to fly flew" said Stark. Lightning stuck the plane and we started to fall from the sky. The plane landed in the ocean and Stark and I made it to a raft. Luckily we survived but I'm going to be scared for the rest of my life now. Stark was now holding me in his arms. 

"We'll get threw this" said Stark. 

"I know, I'm just tired" I said tiredly. 

Stark laid me down on my back. 

"Get some rest" he said. 

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