Learning to Love part 7

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I continued to take pictures of the ground as my father and sister picked the guy up and put him in the car. This might be some kind of portal. Maybe I can find out how it works and then I can get off this planet and back home. 

"Next time you decide to tazer a guy and kidnap him, make sure he is already in the car" said my father. 

"Sorry" said my sister. 

They got the guy in the car and closed the doors. My father turned to me as my sister got in the car. 

"COME ON (Y/N)" my father yelled. 

"ONE SECOND" I yelled. 

I need to copy as much as possible. My sister rolled her window down and stuck her head outside. 



"I don't care what he is. Get in the car" my father said. 

I groaned and put my stuff away. I ran over to the car and got in. My sister rolled her window up and my dad got in. He started the car and made it warm inside so the guy won't freeze. I looked my notes over as we drove to town. I think these new notes will do for now. 

I looked at the guy asleep. I still don't know where he came from. We were in the middle of no where and suddenly he just falls from the sky. It has to be some kind of portal. I'll ask him when he wakes up. We made it to the hospital and brought the guy in. 

"NURSE" my sister yelled. 

A few doctors ran over and brought a bed. 

"What happened" asked a nurse as we laid the guy on the bed. 

"We found him unconscious outside of town. He's probably a warm blood" said my father. 

"Get this guy a heated blanket and some warmer clothes" said a doctor. 

The staff wheeled the guy away. He'll be fine. 

"Do you know the warm blood's name" asked a nurse. 

"No I've never met him before" I said. 

"Until she hit him with a car" said my sister. 

"Barely, I, well, I grazed him. But she tazered him" I said. 

"That dude was scary as fuck" said my sister. 

"Okay so, you have no idea who the guy is" asked the nurse. 

"No, he came out of no where" said my father. 

"Alight, that's all I need to know. You are welcome to leave" said the nurse. 

"Bye" I said. 

I ran to the exit. 

"NO RUNNING" the doctor yelled. 

"SORRY" I yelled. 

I slowed down to a speed walk. My father and sister caught up and followed me. 

"Where are you off to in such a hurry" asked my father. 

"Home" I said. 

"What, why" asked my sister. 

"Because, I have new notes on porta" I started but my father covered my mouth as we walked. 

"You probably should talk about your stuff where no one is listening. I can't protect you from my jail" said my father. 

He has a point. My father uncovered my mouth and we made it to the car. We got in and started driving home. 

"Okay so explain it to me" said my father. 

"The man had to of used some kind of portal technology. If I can figure it out then maybe I can find a way off of Pluto but I have to compare these new notes to my old notes as home" I said. 

"Alright, I'll drop you off then pick up some take out" said father. 

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