Web Lemon

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I was in the living room playing a video game with Bucky. 

"Okay so you need 10 wheat to trade" I said. 

"Where do I get wheat" asked Bucky. 

"From the field" I said. 

A bunch of sheep and cows started to follow Bucky after he collected the wheat. Bucky started to run with the animals following him. 

"Y/n, why are these animal following me" asked Bucky. 

"Cows and sheep are attracted to wheat. So put the wheat away" I said. 

Bucky put the wheat away and now his hands were empty. The animals no longer followed him. A text message from Loki showed up. 

Loki💚: Are you busy (nickname)? I need you're help 

Me: With what 

Loki💚: 🍆😍😘🕸 I'm in need of pleasure 

I thought about. 

"Loki needs my help" I said. 

"Good, I need a break from Minecraft. It's so confusing" said Bucky. 

We got off of minecraft and I went to mine and Loki's bedroom. I am so ready for him to pound me. I entered our room surprised to see Loki naked and laying on a giant web. I closed the door behind me and stood there a little confused. 

"I may of stole the spider kid's web shooters" said Loki. 

He smiled at me. 

"Fuck, why do I find this so sexy" I asked. 

"Because I'm sexy" said Loki. 

He got off the web and walked up to me. 

"It's actually a bit comfy. Plus I heard that spiders enjoy dancing to impress their lover" said Loki. 

I was silent for a minute. 

"Help me take my clothes off" I said. 

Loki used his magic and I now stood there naked. That works. Loki smashed his lips onto mine and we started running our hands all over each other. Loki picked up my legs and carried me to the web. We continued to kiss as Loki stuck me to the web. 

"Hey have either of you" Tony started as he opened the door but froze when he saw us. 

We were silent for a second. 

"You stole, my sons webs, for this" said Tony. 

"Get out" said Loki. 

Tony crossed his arms. I would like Peter's web shooters back" said Tony. 

Loki rolled his eyes and used his magic to make the shooters appear in Tony's hands. 

"Friday, remind me to make web shooters for the kinky freaks" said Tony as he left. 

He closed the door and Loki looked at me. 

"Now where were we" asked Loki. 

"Fucking on a web" I said with a smirk. 

Loki started to kiss my neck. I moaned and Loki climbed up onto the web. He continued to kiss my neck leaving a few well noticeable marks. I ran my hands down Loki's back. Loki stopped kissing me and put his dick onside me. 

"Loki" I moaned. 

"Does it hurt" asked Loki. 

"No, just a little uncomfortable, but I'll adjust" I said. 

Loki kissed my lips and we calmly made out while my ass adjusted to Loki. It's my first time on a web but not my first time ever. I wonder if Loki is part spider or something. Was he also bit by a spider? Not that it matters. Loki broke the kiss and I looked into his eyes. 

"Are you ready" asked Loki. 

"Yes" I said. 

Loki started to slowly move up and down. I moaned and Loki started to move faster. Moving up and down is different for us because we never do that. So Loki was a bit sloppy but it still felt amazing. We should do this again sometimes. 

"This is harder then it looks" said Loki. 

"Do you want to switch" I asked. 

"No, I think I got it" said Loki. 

Loki continued to move in and out of me. He did managed to hit my spot. Loki continued to aim for that spot and we talked about what feels good where. I finished and Loki moaned as I tightened around him. 

"This is like doing pull ups, I swear I'm going to be soar tomorrow" said Loki. 

"Probably worth it" I said. 

Loki chuckled. 

"I'm sure it is, but do you think you can rub me till I finish" asked Loki. 

"Ya, I can do that" I said. 

Loki pulled out and I grabbed his dick. 

"I'm almost there, I just need a little help" said Loki. 

I started to rub Loki's dick and he moaned. 

"That's what I'm here for" I said. 

I rubbed Loki with one hand and used my other to play with his balls. Loki moaned and threw his head back. 

"Fuck" Loki moaned. 

I adjusted myself and leaned closer to Loki as I rubbed him. 

"Would it help if I kneel for you" I whispered with a smirk. 

Loki moaned as he came. He road it out and took a minute to catch his breath. Loki looked at me. 

"You never kneel for me" said Loki confused. 

"I'm considering it if you kneel for me sometimes" I said. 

"I'm the top" said Loki. 

"And" I said. 

Loki thought about it. 

"Okay, we can kneel for each other" said Loki. 

We both smiled. 

"Good" I said. 

Loki and I kissed before getting off the web. 

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