TVA Files. Variant: President Loki, Section 3

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"Everything okay" I asked. 

"No, I'm stuck here, can't control my powers, and I'm stuck here" said the boy. 

Well I guess that would be difficult. I remember how when I found out I was adopted it felt like I lost everything because it was all a fiction. I imagine that is how the boy feels. I tried to grab his hands but he kept pulling his arms away. 

"Look at me" I said. 

I tried to turn the boy's head to face me but he kept rejecting me. 


The boy put his hands over his ears and cried harder. I said nothing and sat there. I guess yelling like that was rude. I looked at the boy and was about to hug him but stopped. What if he doesn't like hugs? 

"I'm sorry" I said. 

The boy took his hands off his ears. 

"I'm, not very good at interacting with others" I said. 

The boy said nothing and sat there. I scooted closer and slowly wrapped my arms around the boy. I gently pulled him to lean on my chest. I hugged the boy as he cried. I'm not sure what else to do. I don't want to make things worse again. 

"Do you want to see something" I asked. 

The boy picked his head up a little and looked at me. I held out my hand and used my powers to create a small ocean with fireworks over it. 

"My mother use to do the same for me when I was younger" I said. 

I made the illusion vanish and hugged the boy. 

"If I may ask, what did the Cabal all do to you" I asked. 

The boy was silent for a minute. 

"Replaced my left arm with metal, injected me with all of the avengers and Cabals DNA. Yours included so now I have the same powers as all of you" said the boy. 

We were silent for a moment. I have no idea what to say to this. Does this mean that he can lift Thor's hammer? I signed. Thinking of it makes me miss my brother. I know I can't see him again but maybe one day a variant of him will exist. In the mean time I have a new friend. 

"Well I don't know much about the powers that the others have but I can teach you how to use mine" I said. 

"Okay" the boy said quietly. 

I smiled and sat there with the boy as we cuddled. I closed my eyes and fell asleep there with the boy in my arms. I don't remember dreaming but when I woke up I saw the boy was still asleep. He was no longer green. I am curious about that though. He turned green like the Hulk but he didn't grow taller. 

"Are you awake" I whispered. 

The boy didn't answer. I picked him up and carried him in my arms. I carried the boy to my room and laid him on my bed. I covered him up with the blanket and was about to leave. I should probably leave a note letting him know where I went. I wrote a note and left it on the nightstand before heading to party. 


I woke up on a bed by myself. I sat up and stretched as I looked around. Loki must of took me to his room. I could hear music playing in another room. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen for some food. I'm a bit hungry now. 

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