TVA File. Variant: Loki Laufeyson, Section 1 (Male Reader)

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Date: July 26, 2022 

Location: Asgard 

(y/n) Variant nickname: Outcast

I was at Asgard on a TVA mission. It was Thor's and Jane's wedding. Everyone is partying but I'm here for Loki. I wore long sleeves to cover the tattoo on my forearm. It just says outcast. To remind me how I was banished. But that isn't important here. I went to get a snack as people danced. 

"Fancy party" said a voice. 

I turned around to see the Loki variant. 

"Ya, it's interesting" I said. 

Loki chuckled. 

"So am I correct to assume that you are Darcy? The bride's assistant" said Loki. 

"No, I'm (y/n). Jane and I went to the same high school" I lied. 

"Well, I wasn't aware midguard had such beautiful people" said Loki. 

He smiled. God I want to rip that fucking smile off his face and cram it down his fucking throat. Let's just say I have already lost everything and out of all the me's I hate Loki. I don't trust him. 

"And, you are into my kind" I asked pretending to be confused. 

"I'm bisexual" said Loki. 

"Same" I said. 

I took a bite of the cookie. 

"And how do you know Thor? Besides his father being king of course" I said. 

"I'm his brother, Loki Laufeyson" said Loki. 

"Well, it's nice to meet you" I lied. 

Feels more like I am eating my own vomit. How do some of the me's date him? 

"Nice to meet you two" said Loki with that fucking smile of his. 

"So you are the brother that attacked New York" I asked. 

Loki's smile faded. Finally something enjoyable. 

"Ya" said Loki. 

He took a sip of his wine. 

"But I promise you that stage of my life is all behind me. I moved on and now I want something more for filling then being king. Just something new" said Loki. 

I nodded as if I understood. 

"So tell me about you" said Loki. 

"Like what" I asked. 

"Well I already know you went to the same highschool as Jane. What else is there about (y/n)? Do you have any siblings" asked Loki. 

I could feel the memories of everything coming back. My family disowning me all because I failed that stupid test and was banished to become a outcast when I was only 15. 

"I'm sorry I have to go" I said. 

I started leaving. 

"Wait" said Loki stopping me. 

I turned around to face him and Loki still held my arm. Not aggressively but more in a calming way. 

"I'm sorry if I over stepped (y/n). I understand if you don't want to talk about it" said Loki. 

We were silent for a minute. 

"Please, just stay. for a little bit longer" said Loki. 

I thought about it. 

"Fine, but I'm not talking about my family or my past. It's a really boring anyway" I said. 

Loki let go of my arm and I tried to think of something to change the subject. 

"You know, I do remember one thing" I said. 

Loki took another sip of his drink. 

"I remember one time my father Colm Feore was sick one day. Mother had to take over the business. I remember my brother Tom and I tried to make it snow outside and made some soup with the help of the chefs of course. We even made a card that said get well soon with a picture of all of us ice skating. Probably the ugliest drawing my father has ever seen. But he still loved it" I said. 

Loki and I both laughed a little. 

"Sounds like you all loved each other very much" said Loki. 

"Ya, we did" I said. 

That memory is very vague. I hardly remember it but it's not my memory. It's from one of the other mes but none of the mes accounted for have Tom Hiddleston as a brother. The music stopped and Loki smiled. 

"I'm sure you're going to love this" said Loki. 

Loki left and everyone stood in a circle leaving some space on the inside. I walked to the front of the crowd and saw Loki standing there. 

"To start, I would like to thank everyone for coming" said Loki. 

He would slowly turned as he talked. 

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