Interview and T.o.m.

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I sat in the chair not looking at anyone. Loki came to Earth, caused some shit, and was caught by shield. He said he will talk but only to me. So shield had to drag my ass onto the helicarrier to talk with Loki. Why he choose to talk to me I have no idea. The plane landed and we got off. This place is cool I'm not going to lie. 

"Why would Loki want you" asked a man. 

That man has been staring at me the whole time. 

"I'm not sure" I said. 

"Maybe he doesn't know you are a 2 star, 3 at best" said the man. 

Bitch, I'm not sure what is worse. That this man in his 50s or so called me ugly or that a 50 year old man is willing to hit on people my age. I'm young enough to be his child. 

"Dude aren't you married" asked another agent. 

"Yes but I'm saying that if Loki was going to chose some human to talk to he probably wants sex so I would of assumed he would of chosen a 10" said the man. 

"And this is exactly why Nick Fury will have you fired" said a female voice. 

We started walking and turned to see a women walk up to us. 

"I'm Natasha, you must be (y/n)" said the women. 

"Yes, I am" I said. 

"Good, Loki is inside his cell waiting for you. We will Steve and a few other agents in the room with you two to make sure you are safe. And just ignore Dave. The fact that he is even allowed near women and children is messed up but he hits on everyone will I'll have a chat with Fury about his actions here today" said Natasha. 

"Thank you" I said. 

"Follow me, I'll show you to Loki" said Natasha. 

I followed here inside and we went to the room that Loki was in. When we entered we saw Loki in his cell reading a book. 

"Loki, we found your friend" said Natasha. 

Loki looked up from his book and smiled. 

"Hello" said Loki. 

Holy hell, now I wish even more I wasn't on my period. Loki put his book down and put his hand on the couch next to him. 

"You're welcome to sit down if your cramps get to painful. I promise I don't bite" said Loki as he patted the spot next to him on the couch. 

"How did you know" I asked. 

Loki chuckled. 

"Well, do to your autism I can't read your mind but I can still tell your emotions. That includes pain and mood swings. Secondly after knowing you're in pain around that area it depends on what kind of pain. You're not have pain in your stomach so it's not something you ate and you aren't obese so it can't be that you are out of shape or pregnant. Meaning that it is most likely as you call it hurricane Katrina. Lastly after knowing the pain in your sides I noticed you have pads in your back pants pockets" said Loki. 

I laughed a little. 

"Well I wasn't away that I was interviewing Sherlock Holmes" I joked. 

We both laughed a little. I looked at the agent standing by the controls. 

"Anyway I would like to sit down so you can let me in if that's okay" I said. 

I noticed the agent's eyes changed color and the opened the cell. 

"I'm going in as well" said Steve. 

We entered the cell and I sat next to Loki. Steve sat down on a chair and kept a eye on Loki. The door closed and we sat there for a second. 

"So why did you chose me" I asked Loki. 

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