TVA Filming and Brain Scans Winter Soldier Mall scene

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I finished putting on my captain america costume. 

"Alright how does it fit" asked S H who is a variant of me.

"Great" I said. 

"Good, now for the bracelet" said S H. 

They gave me the bracelet and I put it on. We made sure it worked and then got ready to film the scene. I am filming with President Loki today. God he looks sexy in his Natasha costume. 

"So in the script I read you put your hand on my ass" asked Loki. 

"Ya, is there a problem" I asked. 

"No, I was just surprised that you saw that" said Loki. 

"Well we are married at this point in time" I said. 

"Okay everyone action in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" said Outcast. 

We all got into position as Outcast counted and then started to film the scene. 

We walked threw the mall. 

"First rule of going on the run is don't run, walk" said Loki. 

"If I run in these shoes they're going to fall off" I said. 

We entered a computer store and found a computer. 

"The drive has a level six homing program. So as soon as we open it S.h.e.i.l.d. will know exactly where we are" said Loki. 

"How long till they get here" I asked as I looked around. 

"About nine minutes from, now" said Loki as he plugged the drive into the computer. 

I looked at my watch to check the time and then at the screen. 

"If your father was right about that ship then someone is trying to hide something" said Loki as he typed on the computer. 

I looked around to keep a eye out. 

"This drive is protected by a AI. It keeps rewriting it's self to counter my commands" said Loki. 

"Can you still access anything" I asked looking at Loki. 

"Of course, I am smarter then I look you know" said Loki. 

I looked at my watch to check the time. 

"I'm going to try running a tracer. This is a program that s.h.i.e.l.d. created to track hostile malware. Meaning if we can't read the file then at least we can find where it was made" said Loki. 

The software started to track the location. 

"Can I help you guys with anything" asked Jotunhiem Loki as he walked up to us. 

"Oh, no, my husband was just helping me looking at some honeymoon destinations" said P Loki as he wrapped his arm around me. 

"Right, we spent all that time planning and getting married we forgot to do the honeymoon" I said. 

"Oh well congratulations. I know some places here on Mars are being settled but I heard the Mexico section is really nice. Where are you two thinking of going" asked J Loki. 

I looked at the screen. 

"Oh, Wisconsin" I said. 

"Ooh, in the Asgard section. Good luck with that" said J Loki. 

P Loki kissed my cheek and went back to typing on the computer. I looked at J Loki. 

"I have those exact same glasses" said J Loki. 

"Wow you two are basically twins" said P Loki. 

"I wish, anyway if you need anything else I'm Aaron. Just give me a yell and I'll be back" said J Loki. 

I gave a smile and J Loki left. I checked my watch again. 

"You said nine minutes" I said. 

"Ssh, relax" said Loki. 

If only I could that easily. 

"Got it" said Loki. 

I looked at the screen. That can't be right. 

"What" I asked. 

"Do you know that place" asked Loki. 

"Ya, my family use to visit Great Wolf Lodge every year" I said. 

"Let's go" said Loki. 

I grabbed the drive and we left. 

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