Tiny Mobius

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Loki and I left McDonalds. I was finishing up the last of my drink as we walked around town. 

"So, are you going to be okay here" asked Loki. 

"Ya, the college is good, my family is, tolerating the letters, although my brother would like me to visit him in prison. I guess I don't know. My birth parents are demanding they meet my dads and stepsister but I'm not sure that is a good idea since my birth family is entitled" I said. 

Loki and I walked in silence. 

"Sorry" I said. 

"What for" asked Loki confused. 

"I shouldn't go on and on with family drama. I mean no one really cares and we all have drama" I said. 

Loki grabbed my hand and pulled me to stand off to the side. 

"No, you shouldn't think that y/n. People have different families. You're grandpa was killed by you brother and now all his rich kids can't use him as a sugar daddy. Plus I'm adopted two so I know what it's like when both sides fight over you" said Loki. 

I said nothing and hugged Loki. I need a hug. Loki smiled and hugged back. A car sped to a stop and honked as a kid fell into the street. Luckily the kid wasn't hit. 

"GET OUT OF THE ROAD JACKASS" the driver yelled at the kid. 

I frowned and ran over to the drivers window as Loki helped the kid. 

"Hey you, fuck you" I said as I gave the middle finger. 

"Control your son, or better yet, learn to keep your closed" said a the driver before speeding off. 

"How rude" I said. 

I walked back to Loki as the boy left with his mother. 

"Seems like that came out of no where" said Loki. 

"Ya" I said. 

I looked back at the street. Hold the phone. I then noticed the building across the street. 

"Loki" I said. 

"Ya" said Loki. 

I pointed at the museum. Loki looked at the museum. 

"The museum" asked Loki. 

"Have you seem night at the museum" I asked as I put my hand down. 

"Not really, is it a Midgardian movie" asked Loki. 

"Ya" I said. 

Loki followed me to the cross walk and we waited till it was safe to cross. 

"I don't understand. Why is this museum important" asked Loki. 

"I need to check something" I said. 

We made it across and entered. It looks the same. We got Rexy, Teddy, the horse, and everything else. Loki and I made it to the front desk. 

"Hi, uh, do you a exhibit of tiny people" I asked nervously. 

"Yes, it's down the hall two lefts and a right but you have to pay to walk around" said the front desk lady. 

"Okay, how much" I asked. 

"Well regular museum style we have about a hour and a five minutes and then the statues come to life" said the front desk lady. 

I knew it. Loki was surprised at first but then laughed. The lady and I looked at him confused. 

"Sorry, it's just, you said the statues come to life" said Loki. 

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