TVA File. (y/n) Variant list

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(this is a list of all the variants of (y/n). So basically I have imagined this story but never wrote it until now. I imagined it as me though so y/n is actually based off of me but I decided to write it as a x reader. So you can use what ever nicknames you want but this is all the different variants of you or me. Who ever you read it as. I will try to use more Marvel variants because I assume you don't care for ones from the Maze Runner or other series but I will still add them to the list. I am also transgender so the TVA file series is gender neutral. As for the list I will also add 

No book: for no stories about them on my account yet. 

Writing: for there is a book but it isn't finished yet 

Finished: for the book and others in that series if more then one are finished.)

Outcast (No book): 

Outcast is 21 and the oldest. They are also the most dangerous, quick to anger, and stubborn. 

In their dimension before you enter 9th grade you must take a test. It has nothing to do with intelligence. The test is just to see if the government can control you. If they can then you pass the test and continue on to 9th grade and have a normal life. If they can't then you fail the test and become a Outcast. The tattoo Outcast on your fore arm on the back and you move to Outcast town. It's a village outside the city with a giant sandstone wall around it. On your 50th birthday, the guards kill you. Now you can either stay there or cross the desert to find the legendary city of peace. However no one knows for sure if it's real because no one has found it and come back. It is real though. 

So it's not that Outcast hates Loki. Outcast is scared to open up to him so all that anger is a shield because Outcast has already lost everything. Loki is also known for betraying people so in order to protect themself Outcast refuses to open up to people. Not just to Loki but to everyone because they fear that if they get to close then that person will leave them like everyone else. 

Jotunheim (No book): 

Jotunheim is 16 (Loki was 17 in avengers. According to the internet). 

Jotunheim was adopted by Odin and Frigga. They parents are Persephone of Asgard and Hades of Jotunheim. (I used Greek mythology) After being kidnapped Persephone and Hades started dating. Everyone in Asgard hated it of course. Then they had Jotunheim. Everyone heard about that very quickly. When Jotunheim was born Persephone almost died but she was turned into a frost giant and survived. She just can't conceive anymore. Jotunheim was raised on Asgard as part of a peace treaty between the realms and raised by Odin and Frigga. Everyone knew that Jotunheim was adopted and they didn't get along well with Thor as kids. Mostly because Thor hated frost giants but no one knew that Loki was adopted or a frost giant. So after he found it he talked to Jotunheim for comfort. Then they start dating but Jotunheim is not related to Loki. 

Survive (Finished): 

Survive is 15 and A15 for WCKD. Even though WCKD is transphobic they did put survive with the boys and Teresa in group A. Survive is also not immune to the flare. They do have alien powers and Extremis which heals them from the flare but Survive doesn't produce the serum the immunes do. 

Survive is me from the Maze Runner but without death series I have on wattpad. 

Maze #8 (Finished): 

Maze wasn't born until the end of Different Newtmas but I am still adding them to the list. However they are only a baby so I probably won't be using them yet. But it's a son of Newt and Thomas and has a brother named Kyle. 

Wicked (Writing): 

A story told in pictures. Wicked is 15 and A15. One night ends up in the crank glade after Coltin tries to kill them. Coltin is the ex boyfriend I use but he HATES the LGBT community. Enough to try to kill us. So the gladers killed him. 

Crank (Writing): 

Age is 15 and also again subject A15. It's the maze runner and yes there is death. So it's Survive, but with death. Including page 250 (death cure fans will understand who that is). 

Gold (Writing): 

Again Maze runner, age 15, subject A15. There is two glades and no grievers. Instead anyone who is stuck in the maze at night can become a crank. The cranks live in the other glade and try to turn the gladers into cranks. 

Cabal (No book): 

Cabal is 15 and a (Lemke or you can use your last name if you want). (I'll probably add a family section later). Cabal was a normal person until the Cabal kidnapped them. 

I'll finished this list later.

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