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I made it back to the room I now share with Hulk and plopped onto my bed. 

"Where were you" asked Hulk as he ate his sandwich. 

"Wedding planning is exhausting" I said. 

"Wedding" asked Hulk. 

"Loki and I are getting married" I said. 

I love Loki it's just the grand master demands we have a huge wedding. Which means a lot of planning. I don't like big expensive weddings. It's all just a waste. I just want to spend the day with the person I love. I fell asleep for a few hours till I heard a beeping sound and Hulk was poling me. I sat up. 

"Beeping" said Hulk pointing at the arc reactor. 

"Ya one second" I said. 

I taped the reactor to see I have high blood sugar. Perfect. 

"How was your nap" asked Loki as he entered. 

"Well needed" I said. 

I gave myself some insulin and turned to see Loki walk up to me. He kissed me on the lips. 

"What have you been up to" I asked. 

"Working on something. I want to show you" said Loki. 

"Okay, think we can grab some water on the way? High blood sugar" I said. 

"Sure" said Loki. 

He held out his hand. I took it and we left the room. Loki took me outside and we walked around Sakaar. 

"Where are we going" I asked. 

"Just over here" said Loki. 

We entered the building where the wedding will take place. Loki used his powers to turn on the lights and start playing some music softly. 

"I know the grandmaster won't let us have a small wedding but we can still enjoy tonight, just the two of us" said Loki. 

I smiled and so did Loki. 

"I like that idea" I said. 

Loki and I held hands as we walked onto the dance floor. We went to the middle of the dance floor wrapped our arms around each other before we started to slow dance. I laid my head on Loki's shoulder as we dance. I feel safe in Loki's arms. Even here on Sakaar. 

"Is this the same song we danced to when I first went to Asgard" I asked 

I picked my head up and looked at Loki who smiled. 

"Ya, that was went you lost your leg right" asked Loki. 

"Broke my leg" I said. 

"Right, I just remember having you stand on my feet that night" said Loki. 

"And now here we are dancing while I'm still pretty beat up" I said. 

The fight I had with Hulk earlier in the arena was brutal. 

"It doesn't take away your beauty. You'll be beautiful no matter what" said Loki. 

"Even if I have a demonic scary face" I asked. 

"Even then I would still wake up every morning next to you and think about how lucky I am to have you" said Loki. 

He smiled and kissed me on the lips. I closed my eyes and kissed Loki. Loki and I have been through a lot together. There is no one I would rather walk threw the gates of Hell with. Yes, we rule over Hell. It's a long story. 

"We might be able to sneak away during the wedding" said Loki. 

"What if people notice" I asked. 

"I suppose the ones who aren't drunk might but I just want to spend that day with you, my little spider" said Loki. 

"Then it's a good thing I'm wearing flat shoes" I said. 

"Loki and I chuckled. 

Is there any point to high heels besides causing twisted ankles" asked Loki. 

"I suppose out running a T Rex" I said. 

"A T Rex" asked Loki. 

"It happened in a movie" I said. 

"Well that explains it" said Loki. 

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