The Other Heaven

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I was asleep on a train. I opened my eyes. I don't remember getting on a train. Where am I going? I looked around the train. It looked like a spooky train. There was a few zombies sitting on the train. I wonder what happened? I don't think I got drunk. I looked out the window. It was just the sky. No ground. I must be dreaming or something. I remember I got hit by a car. I must of got on this train or something. The train stopped and the doors opened. 

Everyone got up and started leaving. I quickly stood up and followed. I wonder if it's something to do with brain washing but it didn't work on me. We got off the train and there was these huge black spooky gates. I was shocked. It looked like heaven but not in the clouds and spooky. There was a angel with black wings and halo. They looked like a zombie but mixed with a dark angel. The gates opened and a dog ran out being chased by a girl who looks about my age. 

"BARK GET BACK HERE" the girl yelled. 

The dog ran up to me and started sniffing me. The girl ran up to us. 

"Sorry, my spirit guide Bark likes to get into trouble" said the girl. 

"Spirit guide" I asked. 

"Ya, only Bark here isn't all that great at it. I think he might just be a regular dog" said the girl. 

"Oh" I said. 

The girl is cute. 

"Anyway I'm Loki" said the girl. 

"y/n" I said. 

Loki licked my cheek. I blushed but was confused. I know it's a zombie thing but it's new to me. Loki smiled. 

"I like you y/n. See you around" said Loki. 

"Ya, see you later" I said. 

Loki put Bark on a leash and walked away. Loki and I waved each other. She entered the gates with Bark and the gates closed. I smiled and everyone started lining up. The zombies would give their full name and then be let into the gate. I stepped up the desk. 

"Name" said the worker. 

"Uh y/n, (full/name)" I said. 

The man typed it up on his computer. 

"Go ahead" said the man. 

I walked up to the gates and they opened. On the other side was a Halloween town. It looks pretty cool. I entered and the gates closed. I looked around amazed. 

"All new arrivals please report to town hall to finish checking into zombie heaven" said a women on a speaker. I froze. Zombie heaven, ZOMBIE HEAVEN. BUT I'M A BLOODY HUMAN. There has to be some mistake. I'll just go to the town hall and fix this. I'm sure this happens some times. 

It's no big deal. Accidents happen all the time. I'll just go to the town hall and explain everything. Then I can get sent to human heaven. It will all work out. I headed to the town hall and waited for someone to help me. I didn't have to wait long. 

"Hello y/n, come with me please" said a women. 

Her name tag said Teresa. I stood up and followed Teresa to a office. 

"I'm sure this is a big shock to you but we are here to help you adjust" said Teresa. 

"Thanks but uh, is it at all possible to be sent to the wrong heaven" I asked. 

"No, only zombies are sent here when they die. If a human was sent here then their soulmate is a zombie" said Teresa. 

But my soulmate isn't a zombie. I mean, I do fantasize about them. I guess it's a possibility. Fine, I'll stay for a little bit. 

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