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I saw this Notification and have to ask what that little owl is up to?


The Avengers have this hide and seek training that they do. Mostly to work on stealth. So we have a communicator and have to give a honest answer when someone ask where we are. So like if I'm at Michelle's then I have to say Michelle's but I don't have to say where in the store. Right now I'm doing some shopping at Walmart.

"What the hell is Shitty Lover" asked Jessica as she took the movie off the shelf.

The three of us were in the movie section.

"A romance where a toilet and a human fall in love with each other. I unfortunately saw part of it on youtube. But if you wish to watch it I won't stop you. I'll just stick with something else" I said.

Jessica put the movie back.

"Romance keeps getting worse" said Stacie.

In short we are having a family movie night tonight so we were told to either pick out a movie to buy or watch we have at home.

"Oh I remember this" said Stacie as she grabbed a movie.

I looked at the movies on the shelf. Jurassic World, Hunger Games, How to Train Your Dragon (I already have at home), Hercules the 1990s version. I picked it up and thought about it. We have it on video tape but not DVD. But no one watches tapes anymore.

"You know that isn't a accurate representation of Hades" said Loki.

I jumped and we turned to see Loki standing there.

"Who are you" asked Stacie.

"I am Loki, of Asgard. And I have come here to collect my friend. I'm surprised you are in South Dakota by the way" said Loki.

"I'm doing some grocery shopping" I said.

Jessica and Stacie were now confused as to how their sibling knows Loki.

"Well, you're going to be late for dialysis treatment so come on" said Loki.

"Run" I said.

"Where" asked Stacie.

"If we find Mom he can't catch us without meeting her" I said.

The three of us ran to the food area.

"So what did you do to piss off Loki" asked Jessica.

"Oh he's not pissed. Just some training" I said.

We ran looking threw the aisles till we found our mom in the alcohol section. I hate having kidney failure because I'm starting to not feel well.

"MA" I yelled.

Our mom looked over as Loki grabbed my arm and held me back to sweep me off my feet. So much for that plan.

"What the hell is going on" she asked.

"You must be Andreya. I'm Loki" said Loki as they walked over and held out their hand.

"Mom Loki, loki, my family" I said embarrassed.

"Put y/n down" said my mom.

"Y/n is late for dialysis treatment at Stark Tower so they will come with me" said Loki.

My family was confused.

"You didn't tell them you have kidney failure" asked Loki.

"They don't know I have powers and can travel to New York city with portals every day" I said embarrassed.

"Wait what" asked Stacie.

Suddenly a portal opened and Stephen walked threw.

"Everyone is at the tower now. And y/n, no more hiding in South Dakota when training" said Stephen.

He saw my family.

"Hello" said Stephen.

"Okay just by the stuff and take it home. Call me when you are done and I'll have Doctor Strange here summon a portal to bring you to the tower" I said embarrassed.

"Fine, but I want a explanation when we get there" said my mom.

"K" I said.

Loki walked us threw the portal and we made it to the tower.

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