N A I K A ' s

441 27 4

Hi and assalamualaikum guys!

So, dengan ini tamatlah cerita Aster ; Bunga Yang Tabah by Naika. 

Huh, setelah sekian lama, akhirnya dapat jugak idea untuk teruskan upload ni. 

By the way, for those yang baca Mr. Robot, I'm very very sorry cause I am still stuck somewhere to continue it. 

Ha, lega jugalah sebenarnya bila dah siap ni.

Thank you for those yang support Naika from the start of the story till the end. Thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments. You make my day.
Thank you so much. Love you guys, mwah ❤️❤️

That's all for today. Thank you again. 

Love, Naika

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