He is curious about you

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[3rd Person POV]
Soon Loid started to be a regular customer of yours. He would always ask for his usual Black Coffee & your special menu item so you always prepared it for him in advance.

Loid- hello miss Y/N! can i get my usual please but not for takeaway (he said sitting on a table)
Y/N- sure! here Mr. Forger (you said smiling as she was about to turn Loid grabbed your wrist making you startle)
Loid- please call me Loid (he said with a light smile)
Y/N- eh ah okay Mr. F- i, i mean Loid (you said nervously as a blush crept on her cheeks due to his sudden actions)
Loid- thanks Miss Y/N!
Y/N- my pleasure Loid and please call me Y/N just Y/N....do visit again (you said as you gave him the change and your fingers slightly brushes against Loid's hand making his cheek turn a very light shade of pink. He nods and left the Cafe without looking back)
Loid- i want to know more about her, she doesn't seems suspicious moreover she can be some kind of help for my missions but i don't want to put her & myself in danger by revealing my true identity.

In the evening....

Y/N- ok Lily you can end the day here, i'll look after the rest so just go home & rest
Lily- you sure Y/N there's still a lot of work left?
Y/N- yes i am sure & thanks to you afterall you come 2 hours early each day to save the day for me & my cafe! & moreover you have to study for your exams so take the days off until your exams are over
Lily- *blushes* ah thank you & that's my job Y/N also i'll come to cafe everyday for few hours because i want to grab snacks hehe, so i'll be going now...byeee
Y/N- this silly girl! well let's just clean the rest & call it a day! (you said as you turned to enter the kitchen area but heard the front door bells jingle)
Y/N- sorry we are closed for to- oh Loid?
Loid- hello Y/N, well were you about to go home?
Y/N- well not really, i had some cleaning left so-
Loid- oh let me help you then (he said putting his briefcase on the table)
Y/N- eh...b-but you must be tired because of your work & you are our customer how could-
Loid- well your coffee seems to take my tiredness away so i thought this can be a great oppurtunity to grab some coffee with you (he said talking off his gloves and smiling)
Y/N- oh okay

After sometime...

Y/N- ha finally everything is done thank you Loid for the help without you it would have take much more time
Loid- it's my pleasure!
Y/N- please take a seat i'll make us some coffee...you want your usual Black coffee right? (he nods as he sat down)

She doesn't really seem someone who is strong but she for sure is kind enough and beautiful too.
Y/N- Loid? where are you lost? here... (she said handing me the coffee)
Loid- i was just looking at how can you be so pretty?
Y/N- eh *blushes*
Loid- oh where is Lily? i thought she might help you with all the remaining work.
Y/N- well i told her to go home early, she have her college entrance exams coming up soon so i told her to go home and study hard although she wanted to stay and help me but i can't risk her future with such mere work (she said taking a sip of her drink, i was right she is kind enough)
Loid- that's so nice of you to do so
Y/N- thank you Loid... let's go it's getting pretty late you must be tired because of your work and the extra work i gave you! (she said with a slight guilt on her face)
Loid- no it's totally fine i didn't really had a lot of work in the office today, also if you don't mind let me walk you to your house as it's not safe for a young and pretty woman to go out all alone at this late
Y/N- *blushes* thank you so much Loid.
(We started walking and talking about things which got me to know more about her and soon we reach her home)
Y/N- it was nice talking to you Loid & thank you for walking me home and for the help at the cafe Loid, i appreciate it alot thank you
Loid- it's my pleasure Y/N so don't say thank you!
Y/N- *smiles* i'll see you later have a great night (she said waving & walking inside of her house)

At Loid's Apartment...

Loid- hm...interesting!
Name- Y/N L/N
Age- 24
Height- [your height]
Eye Colour- [E/C]
Hair Colour- [H/C]
Occupation- Cafe owner
Education- Post graduate, Good in academics
Hobbies- Sleeping, Eating & Baking
Likes- Sweets, Blue roses, Sleep
Dislikes- Waking up early in the morning, Arrogant & Egoistic people
Special Traits- Creative, Observant, Quick thinker
Criminal Background- Clear
Family- Lily (co-worker)
Early Life- Grew in an orphanage, had no foster parents, couldn't apply for jobs as the orphanage closed down soon after she passed highschool and she lost her legal documents, worked as a part time worker at flower shops, bakery, restaurants and bars.
Nature/Behaviour- Kind, soft spoken, loving, caring & friendly
Weakness- Sleeping & Overthinking.


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