Moving in with him

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(Since Loid brought the woman for his mission to his house he knew he will be in trouble if he didn't changed his location so he moved to a new apartment.
You thought of going back to your own house which was now a complete wreck everything was shattered it looked like a war took place at your house. The whole house was dirty due to your absence and all the damage would cost you thousands of dalcs so you decided to use the spare room of your café to live for a few days)

Lily- Y/n how long are you going to live in the small room

Y/N- i don't know Lily, i am looking for a apartment but i couldn't find an ideal one

Lily- and what about your old apartment?

Y/N- repairing the house and buying all the furniture and stuff would cost me all my savings so i decided to sell it off

Lily- why don't you come and live with me then?

Y/N- Lily you live in a one room rented apartment and you know your kitchen is small and i need a large space to create new items, moreover it's going to be a burden on you and i don't want to hamper your studies

(you said putting the cake batter in the oven)

Lily- hmm... you are right my place is small, then...maybe you can move in with your lovely boyfriend

Y/N- no Lily, it's going to be a nuisance for him and i don't want to trouble him

Lily- but you can atleast ask him to help you find a house

Y/N- no Lily i don't want to bother him with anything, he is overworking already and then telling him about problems will be an addition to his burden

Loid- what burden Y/n?

(you stiffened at your place hearing his dark deep voice knowing that he heard all the stuff. You slowly turn back to look at him with a nervous smile while Lily excuses herself that she has to take orders)

Y/N- hiiii L-Loid

Loid- i asked what burden Y/n?

Y/N- nothing...would you like to try these cupcakes?

Loid- don't change the subject, i asked what burden Y/n?

Y/N- *shit* it's really nothing love i was just talking about the orders an-

Loid- you are a bad liar

(he said stepping towards you with a serious face he used to make in front of you during initial days, you gulped slowly taking a step back but he grabs your hand pulls you close)

Loid- you know who i am right? are you scared?

Y/N- no Loid i-

Loid- you are not a burden to me love so never say that again

(you blush hearing his words and give him a nod, he gives you a peck)

Loid- now pack all your stuff and let's go

Y/N- huh b-but where ?

Loid- to my house

Y/N- your house?

Loid- you are moving in with me

Y/N- but Loid what about your work?

Loid- i have already asked for permission and i got it *although i had to bribe Sylvia for that with a diamond necklace*

Y/N- really?!

Loid- yeah now pack your stuff we are leaving now

Y/N- huh oh yeah just wait a minute

(since you didn't had much stuff so you were done packing all the stuff within 20 minutes. Loid helped you to put all your belongings in the car and take you to his house. The house wasn't far from your café and you reached there in 10 minutes)

Y/N- are you sure Loid?

(you looked at him doubtful because of the recent incident that took place and you didn't wanted to blow up his cover)

Loid- i am...and the closer you are to me the more i will be able yo keep you safe

(he said taking your hand in his and giving it a light squeez)

Loid- let's go

(you nod getting out of the car and taking your stuff upstairs as he helps you. Your eyes widen looking at the size of the house from inside)

Y/N- the house is so big but you live alone

Loid- i bought this house thinking about our future family since the kids might need their own rooms

(you listened to his words which turned your face crimson)

Loid- *Twilight what was that? what did you just said? why do you have to embarrass yourself like that? you gotta act cool*   let's put your stuff in the room

(he said leaving you all flustered taking your stuff to a room now yours. The room was painted with your favourite colour along with some of your favourite posters and with small plants near your window and a small flower garden on the balcony outside your room. The room felt like it was just waiting for your presence as the room was decorated just for you.
Loid helped you unboxing your stuff and helping you settle youd stuff down in the room)

Y/N- finally! thank you so much Loid and sorry for causing you trouble

Loid- Y/n you are not a trouble to me got that... did you liked the room?

(he said cupping your face and kissing you softly)

Y/N- i loved it! it feels like it was just made for me

Loid- *cause it is made for you* i am glad you liked it *otherwise i would have kicked the guy's butt*

(you hugged him as he takes you in his embrace)

Loid- welcome home love

Y/N- thank you babe


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