You saw him naked

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It was a pretty decent weekend for you. You were off of work and so was Loid, you thought it was a good day to clean up the house so you were doing that while Loid was doing Loid things in his room. Listening onto some music you were cleaning up the house.

Y/N- great cleaning is done! the sun is bright today I'll do the laundry

(You said and made your way towards the laundry room, putting all the clothes inside the washing machine you were waiting for them to get washed. You decided to tell Loid that if he has any clothes or bedsheets to wash then he can just give them to you)

*knock* *knock*

Y/M- Loid I am doing the laundry, if you got any clothes or sheets or anything to wash then keep them in the laundry basket!

(You said and walked away unaware of the fact that he heard nothing as he was in the shower. You were cleaning the kitchen in the mean time when you heard the washing machine go off, you made your way to the laundry room only to find that Loid hasn't done what you asked him to do)

Y/N- did this man just sleep? oh god I guess I gotta take it myself

(you sighed and made your way to his room, you knocked before entering)

Y/N- Loid I am coming in

(and just when you entered his room at the same time he got out of his bathroom freshly showered all wet. You were frozen at your place and so was he, your eyes travel down only to realize he was naked since he was too stunned to properly tuck the towel around his waist and the towel slips down. He looks down too only to find himself on full show in front of you, he slowly takes a few steps back and slams the bathroom door making you come back to reality)

Y/N- wow *eye twitch*

(you just simply took the sheets and blankets)

Y/N- Loid if you got any clothes to wash then please bring them to the laundry room

(You said and left his room closing the door. Once he heard the door close he peeks from the bathroom making sure you weren't there anymore and made his way out, this time with the towel properly covering his genitals)

Loid- *how was she so calm? was it small? or too big that she got stunned?... WHAT THE HECK AM I THINKING!? SHE JUST SAW ME NAKED AND I AM THINKING ABOUT- NOPE! calm down Loid, calm down! I'll just act like nothing happened*

(he thought to himself his face all red. After 20 minutes he came in the laundry room and gave you the clothes)

Y/N- thank you Loid!

(You said with a smile without looking at him as you were busy putting in the clothes. He just walks away unaware that you were all flustered and crimson after the incident)


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