Holding Hands

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(Loid was in his room reading a book about relationships, he had been in relationships before but they were fake and were basically for work purposes or his missions but now that he was in a real relationship, he was serious about it and he wants to strengthen the relationship, so here he was studying about it.
Reading the book he came across a chapter titled Holding Hands.)

"Holding hands is a form of physical intimacy involving two or more people.
              Spouses and romantic couples often hold hands as a sign of affection or to express psychological closeness. In terms of romance, handholding is often used in the early stages of dating or courtship to express romantic interest in a partner.
Handholding is also common in advanced stages of a romantic relationship where it may be used to signify or seek solace and reassurance.
One can hold their partner's hand while walking or sitting. People often do this to show their affection for each other."

Loids- hm...i will hold Y/N's hand than, i want to show her affection

(he said as he starts focusing on the book again)


Y/N- thank you for coming do visit again!

Lily- finally! the day came to an end

Y/N- yeah...the café is pretty busy lately it feels great!

Lily- yeah you are right...i have extra classes tomorrow so i'll join you after the lunch break is it okay?

Y/N- it's totally fine and do focus on your studies okay!

Lily- okayyyyyyy mom!

(you both started laughing as she takes her leave, you also complete your remaining task and decides to call it a day. You were locking your café when you felt someone's presence turning you saw the person and your face lit up)

Y/N- Loid!?

Loid- hello Y/N...are you done for the day?

Y/N- yeah...i was just going home

Loid- great i'll walk you home

(you smiled and started walking when you suddenly felt him holding your hands...you were shocked as you stared at your and his hands intertwined a small blush creeping on your cheeks)

Loid- so how was your day?

Y/N- it was great...what about yours?

Loid- mine was good!

(he said giving a small smile as he rubs his thumb on your hand skin...it was the first time you actually felt his hand since he always wears gloves)

Y/N- your hands are warm *giggles*

Loid- is it something bad?

Y/N- no it feels good *smiles* but why so sudden? i mean holding hands

Loid- well no reason i just want to show some affection to you that's it

(he said as he glances a look at you noticing the red tint that appeared on you cheeks.
Since that day he will always hold your hand while walking and even sometimes when you both are sitting or if one of your hands are free to show that he loves & care for you)


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