You have a miscarriage

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As you were progressing towards your second trimester of pregnancy it was getting more relieving as the baby was entering a safe zone. Loid was happy as you were ending your first trimester. He was really careful and would always make you avoid any kind of heavy work.

Loid- love you should be more careful from now on

(he said handing you a cup of warm tea. You smile and nod taking the cup from him.)

Y/N- you are right hun, I'll be more careful from now on.

Loid- I am glad and also don't over work yourself at the café and make sure to take occasional leaves as well. Don't strain your body.

Y/N- aye aye captain!

(he smiles and pulls you closer to him.)

Loid- it feels like a dream love, thank you for being in my life.

Y/N- oh c'mon silly don't make me emotional now, I am recovering from my mood swings

(he softly laughs at your words and just pulls you closer to him.)

Loid- I'll do anything to protect you and our little blessing

Y/N- I know...I trust you hun

(you said and kissed his cheek. He smiles and pecks your forehead.
As days went by you were slowly start to showing. The baby bump was very visible now and he couldn't be more happy.)

Loid- love are you on a leave today?

Y/N- yes hun

Loid- well I am going to be home a little late so please take care of yourself okay?

Y/N- sure love, rest assured!

(you said with a smile. He smiles back and softly kisses your lips before leaving. Once he leaves you got up from your place and decided to get some chores done. You were happily singing and swaying working on your chores.)

time skip...

(It was now evening and almost time for Loid to come home. He was happily making his way towards the house with some of your favorite snacks and a flower bouquet and a few baby and parenting books. Once he was outside the door he smiled and opened the door. As soon as the door opened a chill run down through his whole body. The inside was dark, it was cold for some reason. He suddenly felt terrified as if something isn't right. He walked inside calling out your name, but there was no response. He walked further inside suddenly stepping on something liquid, he looked down, his eyes was Blood.
His body trembled as he slowly followed the blood and the next thing he saw made the ground underneath him slip. It was you, covered with blood, your abdomen bleeding heavily, you were stabbed, not once but multiple times. The flowers, gifts and books slip down his hands as he falls on his knees, still not able to believe what he was seeing. He slowly made his way towards you and takes your face gently in his palms. Your breathing was shallow, his eyes tearing up, he pulls you close to his chest letting his tears fall down.)

Loid- Y/n...

(he managed to say and pulls you even more closer to him. He was desperately pulling you as close as possible not wanting to let go of you. Just the fact that you were still breathing was enough for him to be happy but did he lost his child.? did he lost his little blessing that made him even more human? did he lost his chance to be a father? somewhere deep in his heart he was hoping that his baby was fine. He picked you up and ran down to his car and took you to hospital so that he can get you treated.  He was sobbing, holding your hand hoping he doesn't lose you. Once he reached the hospital he took you inside, you were still in his arms as he desperately called for the nurses and doctors. Few nurses and murses help him by laying you down on a hospital bed and taking you to the emergency room. He followed you as long as he can until the doctor told him to wait outside.

He waits outside the room, praying to god that his beloved and baby were safe. He was hanging on that little thread of hope for the well being of his unborn kid and his wife. He was a mess, his whole body was trembling, the fear of losing you or the baby was too much. After a few hours the doctor came out of teh room. He got up from his seat and made his way to the doctor.)

Loid- doctor h-how is my wife? is she alright? what about the baby?

(The doctor looks at him and sighs before responding.)

Doctor- your wife's condition is normal but she had a miscarriage...

(he felt like the lightening struck him. The doctor pats his shoulder and take his leave. Loid stood at his place totally numb. He lost his blessing, his baby, his first child. He fall down on his knees as tears come out uncontrollably from his eyes. He was crying like a toddler. He wanted to scream and blame the universe for taking away his baby.

How could this world take away his unborn child from him? how can the world be so cruel to him? why him? why him and his beloved? why his baby? just why?)


don't come at me saying I can't see him happy🙂👍

(am i a schadenfreude/sadist??? who knows?👀 okay no i am not!🙃)

how are you all doing??? Enjoying the scenarios so far???😄

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