You go missing

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Lily- oh Loid hello!

Loid- hello Lily, can you please call
Y/n, she isn't picking up my calls

Lily- but she didn't came to café today infact she hasn't visited the café from past 2 days

Loid- huh?

Lily- yeah wasn't you both supposed to go on a vacation or something?

Loid- *vacation? what is she talking about? didn't Y/n tell her anything about what happened?*

Lily- you seem confuse well i don't know what is going on in between you both but Y/n texted me 2 days ago that she is going on a vacation with you

Loid- what? i didn't planned any vacation!

Lily- you are kidding right?

Loid- why would i be joking over a serious topic?!

Lily- shit! i hope it's not him who did something to her

Loid- what are you talking about? who?

Lily- *gulps* well 3 days ago a suspicious guy came to meet Y/n, i don't know him but Y/n seemed really uncomfortable and they were arguing when suddenly the man grabbed her wrist forcefully

Loid- then? what happened then?

Lily- he told her something and Y/n jerked off his hand and ran inside the café, i asked her who the guy was but she didn't wanted to talk about it,  i even saw him the next day roaming near the café

Loid- how did he looked like?

Lily- i couldn't see his face properly but he wore complete black outfit and had a gold chain around his neck-

(Loid didn't wasted a single minute and ran towards your house as he knocked on the door but the door was open. He entered the house and saw the living room was a complete wreck the table was upturned, the chairs laid on the floor, your books were all over the floor.
Loid's eye widened at the scenario, he started to call out for you searching for you in each and every corner of the house. Disappointed he sat on the couch thinking about where you could have gone when suddenly he noticed a photo coming out of an old photo album, he picked the photo as his eyes widen in shock noticing the man standing next to you)

Loid-  this bastard!

(he crumbled the picture in anger and walked out of your house)


(Opening your eyes all you could see was darkness, you tried to move but you were tied to a chair, you tried to scream but your mouth was shut down with a thick piece of clothing. You vigorously tried to move your body but the tight ropes ended up hurting you more.
Your mind was going blank when suddenly you heard the metal door open, your body stiffened hearing the footsteps coming closer to you)

Jiro- Did you really think you can get away from me? *chuckles* not so easily sweetheart

(he said removing your bilndfolds, your eyes containing fear, disgust and hate)

Jiro- you definitely are something Y/n, even after these years you still have your effect on me...why aren't you answering back? oh my bad!

(he removed the clothing from your mouth as you panted heavily)

Y/N- y-you piece of s-shit!

Jiro- ouch that hurts,  but you know what from now on your happiness, your tears, your love, your hate – all of it will belong to me.

Y/N- shut up! SHUT UP!

Jiro- even in fear you still look gorgeous.

(he said coming closer to your face as you eyes starts to tear up)

Jiro- aww don't cry sweetheart i'll give you a better reason to cry

(he said in your ears as he untied you and started pulling you into a dark room, you used all your strength to get away from his grip but he was very strong, he throw you on the bed hovering over you and tieing your arms and legs to the corners of the bed)


(you felt a stinging sensation on your left cheek, he comes closer to your face looking dead into your eyes)

Jiro- if you just do what you’re fucking told then we wouldn’t have a problem, would we?

(your eyes widen in fear hearing his threatening and deep voice sending chills to your spine)

Y/N- *Loid please save me! please! i don't want this, please*

(Jiro comes closer to your face trying to kiss you but you moved your face away from him, he keeps trying to kiss you but you manage to avoid him but soon he gets frustrated and grabs your chin tightly making you whimper in pain)

Jiro- i really want to be gentle to you right now, but you’re making it impossible sweetheart!

Y/N- pl-ease don't d-do this to me

(you cried begging him to leave you)

Jiro-  Why’re you crying? Aren’t you happy to be with me? hm! i'll to what i want to so cry for me doll!

(he gripped your top trying to rip it off)


Don't you dare lay a hand on her!


so so so sorry for the late updates y'all i have a lot of ideas but not enough time😭please hang on my lovely readers also thank you sooooo much for 4K+ reads and also this book ranks #1 on #loidforgerxreader ❤✨
thank you for your support lovelies, you guys are truly the best!💓

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