He sees you in his t-shirt

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(It was a rainy day as you were working in the café, the morning had clear sky so you didn't thought that you need to carry an umbrella. There was still a few hours left to close your café so you thought that the rain might go away.)

Y/N- just my luck, the rain isn't stopping and I literally washed all my clothes today since the sun was bright *sigh*

Lily- what's up why so sad?

Y/N- I washed all the clothes today and now they are surely going to be wet

Lily- is Loid not home?

Y/N- he has gone out of town for work he won't be back till late at night

Lily- it's okay you can roam in your underwears right?

(You gave her a 'are you serious?' look making her laugh and go back to work)

Y/N- I swear to god this girl *facepalms*

(finally it was time for you to return home but looks like the rain wasn't going to stop today. You decided to take a taxi back home but no luck there too, you decided to book a cab but due to the unexpected rain you got no luck there too since all the cabs were booked. So you decided to just make a run back home, luckily it wasn't far just 15 minutes away but just when you thought you would make it home without being soaked completely your luck proved it wrong. It started raining extremely heavily just when you were 5 minutes away from your house and by the time you were in you were soaked & dripping with water from head to toe)

Y/N- wow got a nature's shower *sigh*

(You took off all the wet clothes from outside and kept it in the laundry but now the problem was you got nothing to wear except for some bras and panties. You facepalm yourself when suddenly your eyes fall on a plain white t-shirt)

Y/N- it's Loid's...I guess I can wear this

(You wore his tshirt which reached just upto your lower thigh and right above the knee)

(You wore his tshirt which reached just upto your lower thigh and right above the knee)

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Y/N- hm...guess this works!

(You said happily and decided to make some ramen since you are going to eat alone and if Loid comes you'll cook something for him. Completing your cooking and finishing your dinner you decided to watch some anime since you got nothing else to do. You were engrossed in watching your anime that it was already midnight, when suddenly you heard the front door open you instantly got up and went to welcome Loid)

Y/N- welcome back home!

Loid- I am home

(he said when suddenly he froze as he looked at you, his cheeks instantly turning pinkish as he saw you wearing his t-shirt)

Y/N- it's raining so much, get changed I'll cook something warm for you

(You said & left him flabbergasted standing near the door)

Loid- *she looks...amazing wearing my tshirt*

(he snapped out of his thoughts making his way towards his room. Soon he got changed and made his way into the kitchen where you were cooking him some miso soup along with rice and chicken katsu. He lean on the kitchen wall looking at you as you just do your cooking, his eyes never leaving you as you move here and there his big tshirt twirling along with your movements. You take a little bit of soup in a soup and tasted it leaving a satisfied smile when suddenly you felt two muscular arms wrap around your waist)

Y/N- the dinner's almost ready

Loid- thank you love

(turning back you smile and put a spoonful of miso soup in front of his mouth for him to taste, he moves forward to taste the spoon but instead he attacks your lips. The spoon leaving your hand as he pulls you closer to him, he wraps your arms around his neck. His hands outlining your body from the tshirt, you kiss him back as he explores your mouth letting his tongue enter you. The sleeve of the tshirt slips off your shoulder as the makeout session keeps going on. Sharing a long kiss you both back away to catch your breathe, both of your faces flushed crimson)

Loid- I love it when you wear my clothes

Y/N- so does that mean I can steal your clothes?

Loid- ofcourse love

(you giggle as he kisses your exposed shoulder)

Y/N- c'mon now the food is ready, eat it while it's still warm

(he nods and gives you one last peck before he starts helping you with setting up the dinner.
Ever since that day you and Loid shared his closet whenever you were at home)


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