He accidently hits you

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(You and Loid were preparing dinner for his colleagues. He invited them for a small dinner which actually was a spy meeting. You weren't bothered by it since you didn't had a great mind to understand their talks. You were making the desserts while Loid prepared the main course. Working in coordination made it easier for you both to complete the work in time. After cooking the dinner you both decided to change your outfits. You both were setting up the table when suddenly the doorbell rang.)

Loid- I'll take it can you finish setting up love?

Y/N- sure

(Loid opens the door and greets his colleagues, soon you joined him and greeted his colleagues too. They were the same 4 people that visited your café for a meeting. Sylvia gave you a small rare smile, Fiona just stared at you, Kyle gave you a cheeky smile and Franky greeted you back)

Y/N- please come in and make yourself comfortable

Franky- woah it smells so good in here

Kyle- Loid is a lucky guy he gets to eat delicious goodies everyday

Loid- ofcourse I am

(they talked and made themselves comfortable on the sofa since it was still too early for dinner)

Sylvia- how have you been Y/n?

Y/N- I have been great, how have you been Miss Sherwood?

Sylvia- just great

Y/N- glad to hear that

(you said and left the room and went to kitchen to bring some drinks for all of them)

Sylvia- well without wasting anytime we should just discuss about the next mission

(they all nod and started their discussion which ended pretty early since Loid had a clear plan in mind which Sylvia agreed to. You came out of the kitchen with some drinks on the tray, you could hear Franky and Kyle laughing at something)

Franky- oh c'mon you know what I mean right Loid?

Loid- I don't know what you mean

Franky- oh stop being so dense

(Franky said as he was about to put his arm on Loid's shoulder but Loid stood up almost taking his leave. Kyle grabs him from the shoulder and annoyed Loid swings his hand to get Kyle's hand off his shoulder but instead the blow landed somewhere else. There was a thud sound along with breaking glasses, they all immediately look towards the sound making their eyes go wide)

Loid- shit Y/n!

(he said and ran to you. The blow landed on your face which made you disbalance making you fall and the tray fall from your hands as all the drink pours on you)

Sylvia- Y/n are you okay?

(you sit there soaked still processing what just happened when suddenly you felt Loid's hand caressing your cheek)

Loid- Y/n I am sorry, I didn't know you were behind me, I am sorry

Y/N- it's okay it was just a mistake I know

(you said giving him a smile, he felt guilty for hitting you even though it was totally an accident. Your cheek was slightly red due to the impact, he helps you stand and then excuses you both and takes you to your room to change)

Kyle- man I was lucky that blow didn't landed on my hand

Fiona- hope she didn't got hurt too bad *if she gets too much hurt Loid senpai will be worried and sad, then he might even take leaves to take care of her and I don't want him to do that*

Sylvia- *for some reason I want to slap Loid across the face, she seems so close to my heart even though I met her hardly 3-4 times* Nightfall let's clean up the glasses

(she nods and the 4 of them cleans up the glasses and the drink that was spilled on the floor)


meanwhile with you and Loid...

Loid- does it hurt too bad?

Y/N- hun don't worry too much, it was just a small accident

(you said assuring him that you were totally fine)

Loid- but your cheek is swollen

Y/N- it will be okay by tomorrow or day after tomorrow so don't worry about it, we should attend our guests it's rude to leave them alone for so long

(you said with a smile to which Loid responds with a nod and a kiss on your injured cheek making you giggle. You both walked out of the room and went back in the living room)

Loid- I apologize for all the inconvenience caused by me

Y/N- I am sorry, you guys had to clean up the mess when you are our guests

Fiona- it's totally fine, you asked us to be make ourselves comfortable so we did

Sylvia- yeah, there's no inconvenience in cleaning up a place that you are comfortable in

Y/N- thank you, oh please proceed to the dining table I'll bring the food

(you said as they all nod, the rest of the night was spent chitchatting and enjoying the delicious dinner. Although you denied but the blow did hurt you real bad)


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