Beach Day

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Loid- ready?

Y/N- born ready!

(You both smirk looking at each other and ran into the ocean. It was a perfect day to call it a beach day with the sun shining bright, the weather not too hot not to cold. Racing to the ocean you both dive in reappearing on the surface with seashells in your hands)

Y/N- look it's so big

Loid- mine is even bigger

(he said showing the seashell he found making you pout. He chuckles and motions you to dive back in to get some more shells. Taking a dive again you both return with the seashells this time you winning this silly competition. You both walked back to the beach keeping the shells in a bag and went again in the ocean. You were busy swimming when suddenly you felt a big splash of water drowning you. Regaining your posture you found Loid smirking at you)

Y/N- so you have chosen death Mr. Loid Forger!

(You said and splashed him with water making him cough at the taste of salty sea water. The attack was so surprising for him, he took his stance and so did you and the war began! You both splashed each other with water until one of you decided to back off. You were struggling compared to his well built muscular body, you decided to prank him. As soon as he sent the next huge splash to you, you disappeared. He was happy at his victory but soon realised you weren't coming up off the water)

Loid- Y/n? hey? are you okay? Y/n!?

(he was worried, a few more time passed but you didn't showed up. He worriedly dives in to look for you. You came back on the surface of water catching your breath. Seeing him dive in the water you decided to just walk back to the beach and sit under the umbrella and watch him do a whole search mission for you)

Loid- shit where did she go?

(he said worriedly looking at the water when suddenly he heard your voice. He looked over only to found you sipping on the cool lemonade. He ran towards you and took you in a hug)

Loid- don't you ever do that again

Y/N- I am sorry

Loid- revenge time!

(he said picking you up on his shoulders as he made his way towards the water and threw you in the ocean)

Y/N- you- I am going to drown you!

(You chased after him in the water for half an hour before giving up since he was really fast. Soon you both made your way back to the beach and rested for awhile. You both enjoyed some good lunch prepared by you. After taking rest you both decided to make sand castles. You weren't really good at it so you made a cute seal instead, where as Loid went all the way out making a huge sand castle)

 You weren't really good at it so you made a cute seal instead, where as Loid went all the way out making a huge sand castle)

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Y/N- wow! you are so talented babe! it's so good!

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Y/N- wow! you are so talented babe! it's so good!

(You practically yelled in excitement making him smirk at his accomplishment of getting a compliment from you. He looks over your shoulder and notices the seal you made)

Loid- that seal is so cute love

(he said walking upto the seal a small blush appearing on your face as he adored your little sand creation)

Y/N- I tried, I am not talented like you but I tried

Loid- you are talented love, you have talent in many things that I am unable to do

(You nod with a grin on your face, he pulls you closer to him giving you a quick kiss. As the sun started to set down Loid started to prepare for a small bonfire so you both can enjoy some toasted marshmallows. As the darkness started to spread over the sky atmosphere got cooler. You both sat down around the bonfire and enjoyed the crispy, gooey & sweet marshmallows. You both spend the time enjoying good food and talking. You were doing the most speaking work while he listened to you, he would answer whenever required.

Before going back to the villa you both decided to walk under the moonlight along the ocean, stars were shining , a cool breeze flowing through you both. You both walked hand in hand enjoying the beautiful night scenery)

(You both shared a kiss under the moon before ending this super fun day)

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(You both shared a kiss under the moon before ending this super fun day)


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