He gets hurt

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Loid- *shit didn't knew they will out number us* Franky get the car ready I'll be out in exact 5 minutes

Franky- you think you will be able to fight them all?

Loid- I have to, the box is important I need to take it!

(Franky nods and makes his way out of the chaos. Loid was hiding behind a pillar with a gun while there is an open firing going on in the ballroom)

Loid- *you need to think of something Twilight...closely looking at the trajectories of the gun shots and the directions they are coming from I think it would be better if I change locations. I need to distract them as well as move closer to the main guy*

(he thought to himself calculating the perfect time to change places, he throws a nearby chair as all the gun now shoots at the chair while he manages to change places. Soon he was just 3 feets away from the boss, Kyle, he throws a part of the broken chandelier and when the guns shoot at the broken chandelier he makes his way towards Kyle but one of Kyle's gunman shoots at Loid and fortunately it passes just by him touching his arm. Ignoring his arm he continues on with the mission and completes it successfully.

After the mission he fixes his hair and clothes totally forgetting about the wound. Driving his car he makes his way back to the house where you were impatiently waiting for him)

Y/N- *oh god I hope he is fine, he has never been this late it's already midnight oh god oh god please Loid be safe*

(you were hustling within your thoughts when you heard the front door open, you immediately rushed towards the door and saw Loid. You felt a breeze of relief run through your body, you ran to him and take him in a hug. He seemed quite taken aback, it's not like you don't hug him when he returns but today it felt different. He slowly wraps his uninjured arm around you as he slowly whispers)

Loid- I am home

(breaking the hug you look at him worriedly, backing away you let him enter and make his way to the living room when suddenly you noticed drops of blood leaving trails behind him. Concerned you follow him and saw blood dripping from his fingertips)

Y/N- Loid stop!

(he turns to look at you confused, you angrily make your way close to him, he frowns a little confused at the sudden change in your expression)

Y/N- you are hurt

(you said your expression changing to care and sadness. You slowly pull him with you to the bathroom, once you reach there you ask him take his shirt off while you went outside to your room to get the first aid kit. Taking off his shirt he looks at himself in the mirror, all the wounds he got while fighting that turned into scars were never treated by someone he loved or someone who cared about him. Either he was the one to treat them or the doctor from the spy agency he worked for, soon you came in and asked him to take a shower, handing him an antiseptic bath liquid and he did as you said. Once he was done he came into the living & you sat him down and treated his wound gently putting the antiseptic cream and then bandaging the wound. You got up and brought him warm turmeric milk and without saying a word he drank it. You took the cup and went into the kitchen leaving him alone to take rest for sometime)

Loid- *the wound doesn't hurt anymore but it feels like she just didn't healed my wound but my heart. I never felt this way the feeling is too overwhelming, it makes my heart feel warm. Is it bad that I feel good even when I am hurt? I got injured many times, treated the wounds but never felt this way, I feel like I want to get hurt more just to feel this warmth in my heart*

Y/N- Loid here, have some soup it will help with pain and will heal the wound faster

(you said snapping him out of his thoughts, he drinks up the soup while you silently sat next to him and just look at him. When he was done he looks at you confused, he raises and eyebrow)

Loid- Is there something on my face?

Y/N- no, just making sure you aren't hurt anywhere else since you decided to hide the injury *smiles*

Loid- uh I am sorry, It got out of my mind

Y/N- don't be sorry I am just happy you are safe

(you said hugging him making his body stiffen but soon he relaxes and hugs you back, his frowning expressing changing into a sad one. You slowly rub his back trying not to hurt him)

Y/N- I know we don't really talk about your job but please be safe Loid, besides Lily I only have you and I just don't want anything to happen to you. I know the injury is not from something fragile or an attack but whatever it is from I am glad you are safe. I know your job does have dangerous situations for you but I still want you back at home safe and sound.

Loid- I will try my best, love

Y/N- thank you Loid, I think you should rest now

(you said breaking the hug and getting up but he holds your wrist, you look back at him confused)

Loid- stay with me

(you just smile and nod, you both went to his room and cuddled before you fell asleep)

Loid- *my feelings are becoming vulnerable day by day but I don't hate a bit of it, I feel good. Just what have you done to me Y/n, what have you done to an emotionless spy, Twilight. I thought I might pretend being Loid Forger for awhile but now I want to be Loid Forger forever*

(he thought to himself looking at your sleeping figure, he gently places a kiss on your forhead and drifts to sleep soon after)


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