You meet Fiona

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(You meeting with Fiona wasn't really a pleasant one maybe because she doesn't show emotions or maybe you observed something wasn't right about her, so here it is how it went.

You and Loid both were at home doing your work. You were cleaning the house while he was clearing up his files. It was a peaceful sunday morning when suddenly the doorbell dings. You kept the small mop on the counter and went to open the door.
Opening the door you felt a chill run through your spine when an intimidating gaze falls on you. You observed the lady in front of you realizing it's the same lady who visited your café along with Loid and his teammates)

Loid- who is it?

(you heard Loid say as he walked to the door and stood behind you. His once normal gaze turned into a serious one but soon turns normal as you face him)

Loid- oh Fiona, welcome! Y/n this is my colleague Fiona, Fiona Frost. She works as the department head in the hospital where i work.

Y/N- oh, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Frost, i am Y/n, Y/n L/n! please come inside

Fiona- it's a pleasure to meet you too Ms. L/n

(you gave her a smile and walked in with Loid while Fiona followed)

Y/N- please have a seat, what would you like Ms. Frost water, tea, coffee, cold drinks or anything

Fiona- a cup of tea will work

Y/N- sure, you both talk i'll prepare the snacks

(you said walking into the kitchen while Loid & Fiona just talked. You weren't getting a good vibe from her as if she was jealous of you and doesn't want you here)

Y/N- *she isn't really happy about meeting me is it because i am Loid's girlfriend? does it mean she likes Loid? possibly*

(you thought to yourself as you prepared the tea and coffee for Fiona & Loid. Once it was ready you placed it on a tray along with some cookies and cakes, walking towards them. You placed the tray in front of both of them as Loid gave you a sweet smile)

Fiona- *a fake smile, i know Loid senpai has buried his real emotions long ago, he is so good at pretending*

Y/N- i hope you like it Ms. Frost

(Fiona just nods taking the tea as you sat in front of Loid)

Fiona- i must say you are really good at your job Ms. L/n

Y/N- thank you, i am glad you liked it, please try some snacks too

Fiona- i don't really have a sweet tooth

Y/N- oh, so would you like something else, something savoury & salty?

Fiona- no it's fine Ms. L/n *now i know why Loid senpai selected her for this mission but i still think i can replace her for his girlfriend's role....ah Loid senpai i love you so much*

Loid- don't be shy Fiona,Y/n is really skilled and is an amazing cook

Y/N- haha not really, but please make yourself at home

(Loid gives you another of his sweet smiles making you blush a bit, but a chill ran through you spine as you felt Fiona's sharp gaze at you)

Fiona- *try as much as you want Y/n, you are just required till this mission and once it's over you will be replaced or who knows i might replace you while this mission is still going on*

Y/N- you guys please continue and if anything is required please call me

(you said standing up and went back to clean the kitchen. It was like an hour since Fiona & Loid talked about their mission, you decided to stay away from there buisness)

Y/N- *i am sure that Fiona doesn't likes me but it's okay i guess, i can't deny that she isn't pretty, she is. What if she actually likes Loid? and if she confesses he won't accept it right? AHHHH why am i overthinking

(you were lost in your thought and walked out of the kitchen and came face to face with Fiona. Loid wasn't there so her gaze made you nervous. She checked you out from head to toe, smirking a little as if she was mocking you for how you look)

Fiona- *wait till i replace you Y/N L/N* i'll take my leave now Ms. L/n, hope i didn't troubled you

(you took a step back and looked at her)

Y/N- n-no not at all Ms. Frost, it was a pleasure to have you here, it's rare for Loid to bring his colleagues or friends so it was nice to have you

Fiona- *nods* you aren't worthy enough to be here though

(she whispered walking away but you heard it. You felt creeped out and your self-esteem going down the hill. You suddenly felt Loid's hand on your shoulder)

Loid- are you okay?

Y/N- um yeah just zoned out for a bit

Loid- *nods* Fiona is leaving

Y/N- oh okay okay

(you said and followed him to the door. Fiona was about to open the door but turned and walked towards Loid)

Fiona- thank you for giving me your valuable time and also thank you for the great hospitality

(she said bowing to him a little bit as he just nods his head. Fiona looks at you giving you a side eye and walks out closing the door behind her)

Loid- *this is going to be hard, Nightfall kept talking about replacing Y/n for the mission but i can't replace Y/n, she has nothing to do with the mission. I need to keep up with the lie or she might cause trouble for Y/n, i need to hide the fact that Y/n for real is my girlfriend and i have true feelings for her*

(Loid just silently walked in while you just stood there for awhile processing what just happened)

Y/N- *she is weird, i gotta stay away from her*

(and with that you walked back in and started completing the leftover cleaning)



Nightfall/Fiona- Ms. Handler i find
Y/n incompatible to be Sir Twilight's partner we should consider replacing her

Sylvia/Handler- i don't think so Nightfall, i have personally met that girl and i think she is the best fit for this mission

Nightfall- she isn't skilled at anything except for house chores and running her buisness

Handler- and?

Nightfall- it would be better if i replace her for this role so that the mission can be accomplished sooner

Handler- hmm...i still am against of this idea, you are required for other missions and moreover we needed someone who is simple and has nothing to with any such trouble so according to me Y/n is the perfect fit

Nightfall- i still ask you to think about this more deeply Ms. Handler

(she said walking away as Sylvia took a deep sigh)

Handler- *we can't let her or anyone know that Twilight and Y/n are a real couple, we can't put Y/n's life in danger knowing she is hiding our secret*


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