He rescues you

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???- Don't you dare lay a hand on her!

(you heard a familiar voice as Jiro & you move your gaze towards the door that was recently broken down, you saw a tall silhouette of man)

Jiro- who the fuck are you?

???- that is none of your concern but i have some buisness with you both personally and professionally!

Jiro- oi don't try to act smart! just answer who are you?

(the man starts walking towards the two of you, the dim light making his face slightly visible)

Y/N- Lo-Loid!

(you said trying to get up but was pinned by Jiro as he makes a grip on your neck trying to choke you)

Jiro- where are you trying to escape sweetheart & it's a pleasure to meet you Loid Forger!

(he said tightening his grip around your neck as you struggle for air)

Loid- you have 3 seconds to leave her

Jiro- as if i am scared of you

Loid- 3

Y/N- au-gh...ah

Loid- 2

(he said when suddenly Jiro's men barged into the room surrounding him)

Jiro- You’re beautiful, gagged and bound, sweetheart!

(he said looking at you struggling figure as you squirm under him.
The men attacked Loid as he attacked them back, within a few minutes the men present their laid on the floor, as Loid starts to walk towards Jiro and kicks him in the face making him hit the wall. You started panting heavily trying to take as much as air possible while Loid unties the rope. His face had visible anger as he charges again at Jiro)

Sylvia- Twilight we want him alive you know that!

(Loid instantly stops as you look at the woman and than Loid in confusion. Some men started to enter the room taking Jiro with them as Sylvia comes near you)

Sylvia- you must be really special to him *smiles*

(your gaze move towards Loid as he stood near you, you felt your eyelids getting heavy, you heard Loid calling your name before you passed out.)


???- are you going to tell her?

???- i have to

???- well if she is trustworthy enough and if she goes against us you know i won't hesitate to kill her

???- roger that

(you heard a feminine & masculine voice talking as you tried to open your eyes trying to adjust to the light right above your face. A small cough escaping your mouth grabbing the attention of the nearby people)

Loid- Y/n...Y/n are you okay?

Sylvia- i'll take my leave and you Y/n take care

(all you could do was nod as she leaves giving you a small smile. You looked at Loid as tears welled up your eyes remembering the events that took place, you meeting you ex, getting forcefully kidnap, almost getting harassed by your ex, him choking you to death. Tears started to leave your eyes continuously making Loid concerned as he hold your hand and carresses your cheek)

Loid- everything is alright Y/n, nothing happened, you are safe now my love

(he said taking you in his embrace trying to calm you down as you cry in his chest)

Y/N- s-sorry...i a-m so-rry

Loid- why are you apologising Y/n, i should be the one to apologise, forgive me Y/n

(you pulled away from the hug cupping his cheeks and pulling him closer to you making your forheads touch)

Y/N- n-no i should h-have listen-ed to you in-stead of dou-doubting you, my past ruined the present f-for me i am so stupid please fo-forgive me!

(he cups your face and pulls you into a passionate kiss, feeling your lips after a long time, he softly kisses you remembering how much he missed those soft pair of his lips which tasted like cherries, the feeling he gets when both of your lips clash, you instantly melt into the kiss taking his scent which was intoxicating to you, you missed this feeling, you missed his touch, you missed his affection, you missed him. Both of your lips danced into a slow rhythm, perfectly synced enjoying the moment after days of being away from each other.
Soon after you both pulled away looking into each others eyes with a crimson tint on both of yours cheeks.)

Loid- i missed you

Y/N- i missed you more

(you said taking him into a long hug as he wraps his arms around you protectively, both of you enjoying each other's warmth)


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