He takes care of you

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(Ever since Loid found out that you were pregnant he turned into an overprotective husband or say soon-to be-dad. He was going crazy and was always trying his best to let you rest and not do anything.)

Y/N- Loid it's still my first trimester

Loid- I read in the book it's a very crucial stage and most miscarriages happen during this trimester.

Y/N- I know but that doesn't mean I won't do anything or you have to be like this

Loid- I can't take any risks

Y/N- *sigh* Loid you don't have to guard me in your spy outfit and that too with a gun

(you said putting both your hands on your waist as you look at him standing in front of you in a black outfit with a gun, ready to go out with you.

He looks at you and sees you making 'i am so done with you' face)

Loid- right

(he keeps the gun back in his gun pouch and takes off his mask. You chuckle and hug him)

Y/N- I know you want to keep and our baby safe but you don't have to go overboard

(he wraps his arms around you. He couldn't help but be protective of you and the child you are growing within you)

Loid- sorry, I am just too nervous and excited

Y/N- it's okay, I should now leave for the café okay

(you said breaking the hug and kissing his cheek. He pecks your forehead in return)

Loid- take care and call me if you need anything

Y/N- I will

(you said and took your leave. He saw you walk out of the house as the door closes. He couldn't help but feel nervous so he decided to follow you around removing any kind of obstacles that can hurt you in any way. He stays on watch for the whole time while you worked. After returning home you noticed that he had already made dinner and was waiting for you.

Loid was immensely protective and would help you around. He was even more helping you now that you were pregnant. He would read pregnancy related books and tell you about what you should do and what you should not.)

Loid- did you ate your lunch?

Y/N- I will in 10 minutes

Loid- what you didn't had your lunch? get up

Y/N- huh?

Loid- get up!

(you stood up hearing his voice stern a little. He takes your hand and starts dragging you to the dining areas)

Loid- you will eat your lunch, right now!

Y/N- b-but

Loid- no buts you are eating your lunch right now

(he said settling you down on the dining area as he serves you food.)


Loid- write down...

(you get ready as he started to speak)

Loid- you have to avoid soft cheeses,
undercooked or raw meat, fish and seafood
pre-prepared or unwashed fruits and vegetables
soft-serve ice cream
undercooked or raw eggs
unpasteurised milk

(you nod and write down as he lists down the things you have to avoid in your early pregnancy. He even made you a whole chart of do's and don'ts of pregnancy. He would even tell you random facts about babies and pregnancy out of no where)

Loid- Y/n?

Y/N- hm?

(you said sleepily, it was midnight when he suddenly called your name)

Loid- you know a developing baby can recognize their mother's voice from inside the womb during 3rd trimester.

Y/N- wow...so amazing...

Loid- isn't it? I wonder if our baby can hear you right now

Y/N- Loid our baby is only an embryo right now...so go to sleep already

(you said adjusting yourself and covering your face with a blanket. He stayed silent for a while and suddenly spoke again)

Loid- you know babies can cry in womb

(you took the blanket off your face and stare at the ceiling. You both than look at each other.)

Y/N- go to sleep Loid please...

Loid- sleep...you know babies can yawn in womb

Y/N- Loid!

(He was very careful around you and would always look out for you. He was also very understanding and took care of you well when you had mood swings or morning sickness.)


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