Chapstick Tease

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(you were cleaning up the tables since you were on a lunch break when suddenly the café door opens)

Lily- Y/N I AM BACK!!!

Y/N- LILY!!!

(she came and hugs you and so do you, you were happy to see her and so was she)

Lily-  i missed you so much!

Y/N- so did i! how was your trip? did you enjoyed it? you didn't skip your meals right? did-

Lily- OMG! calm down i just came back! can i have something i am hungry and then we will talk...*pouts*

Y/N- okay okayyy... sit i'll bring something to eat!

(you brought some muffins and coffee as you both sat down and talked about her trip and stuff)

Lily- oh yeah i!

Y/N- what's this?

Lily- a chapstick! it tastes like chocolate & strawberries

Y/N- but i have never use one before

Lily- then use it from now on! oh i did bought this for the café...also i am super tired and i want to rest so-

Y/N- yes you can take another day off!

Lily- you are the BESTEST BOSS! *muah* byeeee!

(she said giving you a kiss on the cheek and than ran out of the café )

Y/N- silly girl *chuckles* now what am i supposed to do with this? should i use it?

Loid- hello Y/N!

Y/N- hello Loid!

Loid- what's that in your hands?

Y/N- oh this? it's a chapstick Lily got me back from her trip she told me it tastes like chocolate and strawberries

Loid- then you should use it

Y/N- oh okay...

(you said as you opened the cap and started to apply the chapstick on your lips, you were moving your lips innocently but it seems to tease Loid.
You started to lick the applied chapstick as Loid just stares at your lips with a light blush on his cheeks)

Y/N- does taste like chocolates and strawberries!

Loid- really?

Y/N- yeah you want to apply and try?

Loid- sure

(you handed him the chapstick with a smile and went to the counter since your break was over.
Loid just stared at the chaptstick and than at you, he wanted to apply the chapstick but with other means but for now he has to apply it through the chapstick)


thank you so much for 100+ reads!!!😭❤ i never thought i would get this much reads, i am thankful and grateful to each one of you!🙏🏻✨
love you bestiessss💕

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