You feel insecure

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||Alternative Title: You are afraid he might leave you||


Ever since you met Fiona you started to be more self-concious. She seemed a very disciplined & punctual woman & she is beautiful too. You observed how she would retaliate whenever you were around Loid. You also noticed that he barely talked to you whenever she was around.

You stood in front of the mirror in your underwears examining yourself, you had acne scars, stretch marks, dark circles under your eyes, you felt you were too fat. You felt like you can see Fiona in front of you on the mirror well dressed & flawless while you on the other side ugly and wrecked.

Y/N- she is pretty and she looks so smart what if he thinks I am ugly? no no no no he won't think like that but what if he does? will he leave me for her because she is prettier, have a great body and flawless skin? will he?...calm down Y/n! that won't happen. . .right?

(You sighed and started to get ready to go for work. You walked out of your room and saw Loid setting up the table. He turns and looks at you with a smile.

Loid- morning love, let's have breakfast together

Y/N- morning Loid, uh-i don't really feel like eating anything right now so i'll just go to the cafe

(you said giving him a small smile and walked out of the house)

Loid- she is acting different


(you entered the cafe and saw Lily serving the customers, she looks at you gives you a smile. You return the gesture and walked straight into the kitchen)

Lily- yo Y/n are you okay?

Y/N- am I ugly?

Lily- what?

Y/N- am I not beautiful or smart?

Lily- stupid you are the most gorgeous girl I have seen even my friends say that you are so beautiful

Y/N- oh

Lily- why would you ask that?

Y/N- nothing just out of curiosity

Lily- you are acting weird

(The whole day you were acting differently, you were not your usual happy self, you skipped your lunch and just kept preparing the orders. Lily was worried for you but you told her that everything was fine and that you were just not feeling your usual self. Loid came to meet you after lunch but Lily told him that you left early today. He was confused as why would you end the day so early. He decided to look for you at all the possible places where you could have gone but he had no luck.

After looking for you everywhere he returned home and saw you sitting on the couch looking at various magazines of models who had the best body and looked flawless at every aspect. You were so engrossed in those magazines that you didn't notice him behind you)

Y/N- *sighs* *with such a body and beautiful face just like this model i think he won't leave me right? Fiona is pretty so maybe if i go on a diet i will be as beautiful as her* *sigh* i wish i had such a nice body and a flawless face

(you said closing the magazine and got up to go to your room when suddenly you felt two strong arms around your waist making you gasp)

Loid- it's just me love

Y/N- oh Loid when did you came home? i didn't hear you

Loid- if only you were paying attention to your surroundings rather than those stupid magazines you would have noticed

Y/N- i was-

Loid- never look at those magazines ever again

(you were shock at his words as your face hunged low, he turns you around raises your face to face him. He slowly leans in and kisses your so called imperfections)

Loid- never ever think that you are not pretty, you are the most beautiful girl inside and out i have ever seen and i would love to see this lovely face of yours each and everyday. Your imperfections make you perfect unlike those non-realistic looking models. You are the most beautiful creation of god to me, you are a real beauty you don't have to change yourself for anyone. A person isn't beautiful by his or her face or body but a person with a good heart is the most beautiful person to exist and you my love, have a heart of gold.

(he says & kisses you after, while he gently caresses your cheek , breaking the kiss he starts leaving butterfly kisses all over your face making you giggle)

Loid- look at the enchanting smile of yours, i would pay to see this smile

Y/N- thank you Loid

(you said giving him a quick peck. You then take all the magazines tear them up and throw them in the dustbin while Loid looks at you proudly. Suddenly your stomach started grumbling)

Loid- you skipped your lunch too?

(you nod your head in guilt)

Loid- c'mon i'll make your favourite

(you smile and decided to help him. After having dinner he decides to sleep with you. Since you overworked yourself today you were pretty exhausted and went straight to sleep while cuddling. He looks over at you as a small smile crept on his face)

Loid- *you are just so perfect, please never change yourself my love*

(he thought to himself and gently places a peck on your forehead)


Requested by: Sarrotam

hope you liked the scenario💕thank you for making a request✨️

- just remember my lovely reader besties


i have suffered from insecurities for a long time but now i don't feel that way anymore, i realized that hating or bringing myself down won't work instead i should just love myself and try to be the best version of my own self! Don't listen to what other says or what they do just be yourself💕✨

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