Someone's Entry

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(It's been a few days since you stopped talking to Loid after what happened. You avoided him as much as possible whenever he would come to the café. You won't come in front of him instead you would ask Lily to take his order & serve him. He would try to talk to you but you were still unable to get over of what you saw. You trusted Loid but your past would keep creating the trust issues in your heart and would stop you from hearing him out.
So now here you were in your apartment while Loid was outside your door)

Loid- Y/n it's been a week love, please hear me out, you know i love you amd only you

Y/N- Loid i am not in the mood please leave, i need sometime and if you can't wait that much then i won't stop you from leaving me on my own.

Loid- no i won't leave you, i'll wait for you so take as long as you want to take

(with that he left as you sat down on the couch crying your heart)

Y/N- that stupid piece of shit broke my trust and because of him i am making Loid suffer!

(you said crying remembering uour past)

Loid- *i shouldn't have bring the girl home for mission knowing i have a girlfriend, a real girlfriend not a pretend one. What should i do now? i will visit her again tomorrow but for now i should finish the mission now*

(Loid thought to himself making his way to his target's location.)


(You were in the café preparing orders when suddenly Lily called you)

Y/N- what is it?

Lily- someone's here to meet you

Y/N- who?

Lily- i don't know he just said he knows you...he seemed weird to be honest

Y/N- that's weird who could it be?

Lily- he is waiting for you outside

Y/N- what! outside? that's even more weird...i'll see who it is and can you prepare the orders?

(Lily nods and makes her way to the kitchen while you walk out of the café to meet the unknown man. Walking out you saw a man wearing a large black coat & black shoes, his back facing you.)

???- hey Y/n! remember me?

Y/N- *why does he sound so familiar? is it who i think it is?*

???- don't tell me you forgot me *sighs* it's okay sweetheart i'll make you remember me!

(the man said turning towards you revealing his face, your eyes widen in shock as your memories from past starts to hit your brain. Your whole body stiffens seeing the familiar man, his name escapes your lips as a whisper)

Y/N- Jiro...

Jiro- oh so you do remember me sweetheart well i am glad & hey i am sorry for cheating on you, you know you weren't ready to do it with me and i had my manly needs so i had to take care of myself so i took help of someone else

(he said it, casually as if it was nothing, as if he didn't broke your trust, as if he didn't broke your heart.)

Y/N- listen Jiro i am not here to listen to your stupid explanation okay! come to the point

Jiro- typical you...well i just want you back!

(you were shock at his words, how could he think that he could play with your glass like heart than break it and than will try to fix it using a tape like apology. You gave him a wtf look as he seemed chill about it)

Y/N- what? you want me back?

Jiro- well yeah...the girl i cheated on you with wasn't really worth my time, she was with me for my money so yeahhh i left her and now i want you back!

Y/N- *scoffs* as if i want to be with you again? hell no! who do you think are? and listen i am not a toy, with whom you would play with and than leave just cause you got attracted to a new one and than when that toy is broken you would play with me again!

Jiro- hey hey hey Y/n listen, i do loved you okay and it's not my fault that you won't have s£x with me okay? i had my own manly needs

Y/N- oh shut up! you and your stupid manly needs and if you were so in love with me you would have waited for me to be ready but your horny ass decided to cheat!

Jiro- listen Y/n blame me all you want okay but i need you back!

(he said grabbing your wrist, you tried your best to get away from his grip but he would tighten the grip)

Y/N- Jiro leave my hand!

Jiro- why don't you submit yourself wholly and only to me & love me again like you used to!

Y/N- the heck is wrong with you? leave me you bastard!

Jiro- i'll leave you if you come back together with me, well what should i do to get you back...i-if you want me to beg, then I'll beg for you

Y/N- are you a pyscho or what? leave my hand before i scream!

(he leaves your hand as you instantly run inside)

Jiro- *chuckles* I'll do whatever it takes if it means we'll be together forever! *psychotic laugh* You will be mine again, Y/n


hehe so here comes you toxic ex, Jiro! what will he do to get you back with him? stay tuned to know😏

also also also THANK YOU SO MUCH MY LOVELY READERS FOR 3K+ READS!❤✨ i am so happy that you guys are liking this books & thank you so much reading my work!💓

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