He does something nice for you

637 12 14

You were running here and there between the customers and the kitchen with the orders. Lily got sick and now you were all alone doing all the work by yourself. It has been pretty hectic for you since past few days now both at home and at your café. Since Loid has got more busy with his missions he isn't able to help you with the house chores so you end up doing it all alone.
Finally after hectic 11 hours of working you reached home, taking of your coat and shoes lazily you drop them on the ground before dropping your ownself on the couch. You were too tired to move so you adjusted yourself on the couch and slept like a baby. By the time Loid came back home it was already past midnight, entering the house he saw all the lights were turned off except for the living room one and your coat and other stuff was on the ground. He went to close the light but he gets shocked finding you sleeping like a baby on the couch in your work outfit. He looked around and noticed the kitchen was untouched so it means you didn't ate dinner, he noticed how tired you looked from the past few days. He sighs and picks you carefully not to break your sleep and takes you to your bedroom. Once he tucks you in, he puts some cotton buds in your ears so that you won't wake up the next morning to any of the noice that he might create)

Loid- you need to rest well Y/n *smiles*

(he gently presses his lips to your forehead whispering a good night and leaves your room.


the next morning...

Loid was up by the time it was 7 on the clock, he wears all the gears required for his mission today: apron check! gloves check! & mask check! He grabs the vacuum cleaner & cleans up the entire house, once done vacuuming he uses a mop and skillfully mops the whole house without breaking a sweat. He was cleaning up the whole house while you were sleeping having no idea what was going on in the house. Once done with cleaning and mopping he uses a duster and dusts the whole house not missing a single spot, he cleans the house till it shines. After then he does the whole laundry and hangs them to let it dry. After being done with cleaning the house and the laundry he decides to make you a special breakfast and starts working on it.

You were in your room still sleeping when suddenly the smell of the delicious food goes in through your nose. You turn and twist on your bed before getting up, doing a lazy stretch you look at the time making your eyes go wide. You were suspicious as why were you feeling so good and filled with energy for which the reason was that you overslept)

Y/N- oh my god! how did I oversleep? I was supposed to clean up the house today! ahhhh I am screwed!

(you said holding your head dramatically when suddenly you felt something soft in your ear, you noticed the cotton balls falling out)

Y/N- where did these came from?i don't remember putting them on & what's up with this smell ? why does it smell so good? is someone cooking ? shit did someone break into my house???

( You instantly jumped off your bed and ran outside the room making your way towards the kitchen. You saw Loid wearing your apron and making something.)

Loid- oh Y/n you are up? good morning!

Y/N- um good morning Loid. what are you doing?

Loid- cooking breakfast

Y/N- but why? i-i mean you should have wake me up

Loid- why should I wake you up when I am capable of doing it on my own

Y/N- I know that, I meant you must have been really tired after all your work

Loid- so it means you never get tired from your work?

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