You Catch Him Following You

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It was a sunny sunday you as always got ready to visit the library. You were walking to the library as you felt someone was following you, you didn't really cared since you thought maybe you were just being delusional but when you were passing through a shop with giant glasses you saw a male figure following you. You examined the male recognizing it was Loid, you giggled lightly since you find it cute and you thought he was being protective or was shy to ask you hangout together.

at the library...

Y/N- hey you know where is the book titled "The Tender Night"? i couldn't find it

Trixy- yes wait let me's on the 2nd row from above on the 5th shelf of the Literature Lover corner

Y/N- thanks Trixy!

( you found your book and sat down to read it, you noticed Loid peeking at you from the open space created on the shelf.
After reading and leaving the library he followed you everywhere trying to keep a safe distance but clearly he failed since you know it was him.
In the evening you were at the park for a nice evening walk while the cool breeze flows as the atmosphere gets cooler. You were walking close to the tree where Loid was hiding as he acted like he didn't saw you coming)

Y/N- you can come & hangout with me instead of following me like a stalker *chuckles*

Loid- uh...i wasn't following you we happened to crosspaths *sweatdrops*

(he said clearing his throat as you chuckled at his behaviour causing his cheeks to turn a very light shade of pink)

Y/N- at the library, then at the flower shop, then on the way of Lily's home, then at the restaurant and now the park...and that too in the exact order

Loid- yes...i mean ok i agree i was
following you i am sorry... but how did you know i was following you?

Y/N- well it wasn't really a good choice to wear the same hat you wear everyday *chuckles*

Loid- uh...oh

(he said turning pink to red)

Y/N- if you wanted to hangout you could have asked me or maybe simply join me *smile*

Loid- i'll keep that in mind

Y/N- let's walk together *he nods*

(you both spent the evening together at the park and than had dinner together at a restaurant. He walked you home and then went to his house)

Loid- i guess it really wasn't a great idea to doubt Y/N, she is no harm to me.

didn't really thought anyone would read my work i am so grateful and thankful towards each & every one of you!❤
I am taking scenario requests so drop your scenario ideas in the comments!😁

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