A Misunderstanding

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Like any other you were as usual busy with your café along with Lily, preparing food, serving, cleaning etc.
It was a good day they weather was cold with warm sunrays making the weather even more enchanting.
You were cleaning the tables near the glass wall of your café when suddenly you spotted Loid on the other side of the street. You smiled thinking he was going to visit so you just walked back to the counter.
A few mintues passed but he hasn't arrived yet you decided to check if he was still there and indeed he was but this time not alone. There was another person with him and it was a girl about your age. You didn't mind as you thought she might be just his friend or colleague, you looked at them again as they both walked away.

Y/N- i thought he was going to visit me, it's okay he must have some work

(You said to yourself returning back to what you were doing.
It was now 6 in the evening you decided to close the café early as you have to go for grocery shopping. Making your way to the supermarket you spot Loid again, you decided to greet him but before you could call him the same girl came running to him and tugged her arms around his and took him with her.
You were confused at her behaviour but decided to shrug it off. Completing your work at the supermarket you decided to visit Loid and have dinner with him.
Soon you reached his apartment, since he gave you a key to his house so it was easy for you since you had full access to enter his house whenever you wanted. Opening the door the scene in front of you left you devastated. The girl from early today was on Loid as he was pinned to the sofa, the girl was running her hand on his face to his chest as he just sat there. The bags from your slipped making noice and grabbing their attention)

Loid- Y-y/n....?

Y/N- Loid

(you said in a soft voice as tears started to stream down from your eyes, you took a few steps back and turned around running away from the scene. You could hear Loid calling your name from behind but you were in no state to listen to him, you rushed back to your house as fast as possible)

Y/N- *how could you do this to me Loid?*

(you ran into your house slamming and locking the door, faceplanting on your bed and crying your heart out.
You felt heartbroken, betrayed, played & devastated. You thought atleast Loid won't do such a thing to you but you felt stupid for thinking that way)

Y/N- why d-did he do that? if h-he didn't wa-nted me he c-could have said t-that, i wo-would have l-left !

(you heard knocks on your front door, you knew it was Loid so you didn't bother answering it)

Loid- love? open the door! let me explain, it's not what it looks like Y/n!
open the door please...

(you got up from your bed standing in front of your front door)


Loid- let me explain Y/n, please i want to talk about it!

Y/N- but i don't want to so please LEAVE! y-you broke my h-heart

Loid- Y/n it's not like that love...please open the door!

(you just stood there but didn't bother answering as you walked back to your bedroom. The knocks continued for some more time when they suddenly stopped)

Loid- i'll be back Y/n, i know you don't want to talk right now but i won't let you live in misconception.

(saying that he walked away while you just laid there on your bed soon falling asleep)


so the next few parts are kinda interconnected to this part & each other so do give the parts a read 😁✨

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