You Cry

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Since you moved in with Loid you were having a great time with him as both of you got to spend more time with each other. Things were back to normal, everyday you would go to your café, he would come and visit you during lunch hours and then after work both of you will walk back to the house. It was rare for both of you to have lunch together at home as most of the time you would eat out except weekends and on those days Loid will cook for you. You loved Loid's cooking but you also wanted to cook for him which he would refuse you to do but today you decided that you'll cook him a great lunch.
Loid had to go for a meeting with his colleagues on a Sunday and you grabbed the oppurtunity to cook lunch for him. You prepared all the stuff required for cooking Udon noodles.

Y/N- now let's make the sauce, chilli powder check! sesame seeds check! sesame oil check! soy sauce check! stir-fry sauce check! sugar check! and waterrrr~

(you said singing the last part happily stirring the sauce and then kept it aside.)

Y/N- okay it's time for the final thing

(you put all the ingredients & started stir frying it, singing a song lost in your own little world)

Y/N- perfect! oh i should garnish it with some chopped chillies

(you said starting to chop the chillies with your bare hands & that's when things started to go down the hill, you chopped the chillies decorating your dish when a housefly started to fly near your face, you tried to hit it but accidently hit your face getting the chilli covered hand in your eyes)

Y/N- oh no fuck!

(you screamed due to the pain trying to find the tap to wash your hands and face, once finding the tap you washed your hands & eyes but the pain wasn't subsiding. You sat on the floor crying your eyes out when the front door opened)

Loid- i am home! it's smells so good, Y/n are you cooking something?

(you didn't answered him as you were still crying)

Loid- *what's that sound? is someone-* Y/N!

(he yelled running inside towards the kitchen, he saw the dish you prepared but couldn't see you)

Y/N- ah..uh..*sniff*

(you whimpered grabbing Loid's attention, he looked behind the counter noticing you sitting on the floor with your back facing him & face covered with your hands. He ran to you sitting next to you)

Loid- Y/n what happened? why are you crying? did someone came & hurt you? say something Y/n

(he said as you faced him with teary red eyes, your face was red and tears continuously ran down your eyes)

Loid- who did this Y/n? say the name and they are dead

(he said in a serious tone)

Y/N- fly and chilli

Loid- fly and chilli, got it! wait what?

(you nodded and started crying again)

Loid- Y/n come on get up

(he said picking you up and taking you to the couch and gave you his handkerchief)

Loid- now tell me what happened

Y/N- *sniff* i was cooking *sniff* i cut the chillies *sniff* a fly came *sniff* i tried to hit it *sniff* but i hit my face *sniff*

Loid- oh god you scared me Y/n, i thought someone hurt you

(he said hugging you and carressing your tear dried cheeks)

Loid- you cried so much, your whole face is red come let's wash your face and have the lunch you made *smile*

(you nodded and went to wash your face and then had lunch with him.
From that day not a single housefly or insect was spotted in the whole house and you still wonder why)


well something like this happened to me but i was unlucky since i don't have Loid😭

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